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Life Planning Information Website - Education Bureau

The importance of Life Planning

Life planning is an ongoing and lifelong process for personal fulfillment. In the stage of study, life planning education plays an important role in cultivating students’ ability to know themselves, to plan, to set goals and to reflect, and to recognize and link up the various paths of further study and employment. 

As a parent, how can you help your child develop a career plan?

Setting clear goals enables children to have a clear direction and to achieve progress through continuous learning, evaluation and review. In the process when they get the driving force to motivate themselves , children can gain a sense of achievement and satisfaction. In conclusion, career planning education enables children to recognize their own interests and abilities at different stages of growth, develop their self-confidence and self-management skills, and eventually to master their own future development of career paths.

In addition to the teachers at school, parents also play a very important role in the career planning education of their children. Parents can assist their children to plan and set goals at different stages to achieve their ideal dreams by understanding the character and abilities of their children, exploring their potential, and instilling the good values into their children.

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