General Grade
- Administrative Officer
- Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department - Assistant Forestry Officer
- Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department – Field Assistant
- Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department – Fisheries Supervisor
- Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department – Associate Veterinary Technologist
- Assistant Clerical Officer
- Census and Statistics Department – Statistical Officer
- Civil Aid Service – Programme Assistant
- Civil Service Bureau – Official Languages Officer
- Clerical Assistant
- Commerce and Economic Development Bureau - Assistant Trade Officer
- Computer Operator
- Department of Health – Research Assistant
- Digital Policy Office - Management Services Officer
- Education Bureau - Assistant Education Officer (Administration)
- Education Bureau - Assistant Inspector (Graduate)
- Education Bureau - Laboratory Technician
- Education Bureau - Specialist (Education Services) (Audiology)
- Education Bureau - Specialist (Education Services) (Speech Therapy)
- Environmental Protection Department - Outreaching Coordinator (Waste Reduction and Recycling)
- Executive Officer
- Food and Environmental Hygiene Department - Assistant Hawker Control Officer
- Home Affairs Department – Executive Assistant (Election)
- Hong Kong Observatory – Scientific Officer
- Inland Revenue Department - Assistant Assessor
- Inland Revenue Department - Assistant Taxation Officer
- Labour Department - Labour Officer
- Leisure and Cultural Services Department - Amenities Assistant
- Leisure and Cultural Services Department - Assistant Leisure Services Manager
- Leisure and Cultural Services Department - Assistant Manager, Cultural Services
- Leisure and Cultural Services Department - Cultural Services Assistant
- Leisure and Cultural Services Department – Museum Trainee (Film)
- Logistics Department – Printing Technician
- Personal Secretary II
- Water Supplies Department - Meter Reader
- Water Supplies Department - Workman II
Disciplined Services
- Airport Security Unit
- Assistant Officer / Officer of the Correctional Services Department
- Customs Officer/ Customs Inspector
- Fire Services Department - Ambulanceman / Ambulancewoman / Ambulance Officer
- Fire Services Department - Fireman / Firewoman
- Government Flying Service - Air Crewman Officer
- Government Flying Service - Pilot
- Immigration Department - Immigration Assistant / Immigration Officer
- Independent Commission Against Corruption - Assistant Commission Against Corruption Officer/ Commission Against Corruption Officer
- Police Force - Police Constable and Inspector
- Police Force - Special Photographer
- Police Force - Traffic Warden
The starting salary of the civil servants is relatively higher than other industries for graduates, and it provides a clear career development and promotion path which attract many young people to join in this field. Civil service involves different sections, departments and bureaus. There are also various grades in the civil service, and the requirements are varied with different positions. Disciplined Services include Police Force, Fire Services Department, Immigration Department, Correctional Services Department and Flying Service; and other grades like Administrative Officer Grade, Executive Officer Grade, Clerical and Secretarial Grades etc.
Administrative Officer
Administrative Officers are professional public administrators who play a key role in the HKSAR Government. They are involved in
- policy formulation, resource allocation, implementation of major government programmes
- promotion for the interests of Hong Kong in the Mainland and overseas
Note: Subject to posting around different bureaux and departments at regular intervals

Working Hours
About 44 hours a week

Working Environment
Work in an office

Work-related Personalities and Skills
- Communication skills
- Time management skills
- Responsible
- Logical and analytical
- Adaptable

Promotion and Reference Salary
Administrative Officer (AO)
From Point 27 to Point 44 of Master Pay Scale
Senior Administrative Officer (SAO)
From Point 45 to Point 49 of Master Pay Scale
Note: The reference salary is based on the Master Pay Scale
Entry Requirements
- Must be a permanent resident of HKSAR at the time of appointment
- (i) A first or second class honours bachelor’s degree from a Hong Kong university, or equivalent, or (ii) a postgraduate degree from a Hong Kong university, or equivalent, where the qualifications considered in totality are comparable to the requirement in (i)
- A pass result in the Aptitude Test in the Common Recruitment Examination (CRE)
- Met the language proficiency requirement of Level 2 in the two language papers (Use of Chinese and Use of English) in the Common Recruitment Examination (CRE), or equivalent
- A pass result in the Basic Law and National Security Law Test (Degree / Professional Grades) (BLNST)
Note 1: Candidates will be required to pass the Joint Administrative Officer / Executive Officer / Labour Officer / Trade Officer / Management Services Officer / Transport Officer Recruitment Examination (JRE).
Note 2: For all civil service recruitment exercises to be advertised on or after 1 July 2022, attaining a pass result in the newly introduced BLNST will be an entry requirement for all civil service jobs.
Example of Related Training and Courses
Bachelor Degree
- The University of Hong Kong – Bachelor of Social Sciences (Government and Laws) and Bachelor of Laws
- The Chinese University of Hong Kong – Bachelor of Social Science (Honours) in Government and Public Administration
A variety of organisations or associations may provide relevant training classes or courses. If you are intending to pursue these courses, you are reminded to be cautious and collect in-depth information, in particular the tuition fees and qualification recognition upon completion of these courses.
Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department - Assistant Forestry Officer
- Execute forestry and vegetation management work
- Plan, manage, develop and protect country parks, Hong Kong Geopark, Hong Kong Wetland Park and special areas
- Responsible for the preservation of animals and plants, endangered species, geological and landscape conservation work, including law enforcement, education and advisory duties, and ecological baseline research
- Assess and monitor the ecological aspects of the environmental impact assessment work
- Conduct applied research in various related disciplines
Note: May be posted to other bureaux/departments; may be required to work irregular hours or shift duties in connection with emergency hill fire, typhoon duties or other natural disasters

Working Hours
About 45 hours a week

Working Environment
Work in different areas

Work-related Personalities and Skills
- Time management skills
- Attention to details
- Responsible
- Leadership skills

Promotion and Reference Salary
Assistant Forestry Officer
From Point 16 to Point 21 of Master Pay Scale
Forestry Officer
From Point 27 to Point 44 of Master Pay Scale
Senior Forestry Officer
From Point 45 to Point 49 of Master Pay Scale
Note: The reference salary is based on the Master Pay Scale of the civil service.
Entry Requirements
- A first or second class honours degree in an appropriate subject in Applied or Natural Science from a Hong Kong university, or equivalent
- three years’ post-graduate experience in an appropriate field or a higher degree or post-graduate diploma in an appropriate subject in Applied or Natural Science from a Hong Kong university, or equivalent
- A pass in the Aptitude Test in the Common Recruitment Examination (CRE)
- Level 1 in the two language papers (Use of Chinese and Use of English) in the Common Recruitment Examination (CRE)
- A pass result in the Basic Law and National Security Law Test (Degree / Professional Grades) (BLNST)
Note: For all civil service recruitment exercises to be advertised on or after 1 July 2022, attaining a pass result in the newly introduced BLNST will be an entry requirement for all civil service jobs.
Example of Related Training and Courses
Bachelor Degree
- Hong Kong Metropolitan University - Bachelor of Science with Honours in Environmental Science and Green Management
- The Chinese University of Hong Kong – Bachelor of Science in Earth and Environmental Sciences
A variety of organisations or associations may provide relevant training classes or courses. If you are intending to pursue these courses, you are reminded to be cautious and collect in-depth information, in particular the tuition fees and qualification recognition upon completion of these courses.
Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department – Field Assistant
- A Field Assistant (Fisheries) is mainly deployed on ecological survey, law enforcement, supervisory, technical, education and liaison duties in connection with fisheries, marine parks and marine conservation.
- A Field Assistant (Conservation and Country Parks) is mainly deployed on investigation, supervisory, technical work, visitor reception and law enforcement duties connected with countryside conservation, which may include forestry, country parks or wildlife management work.
- A Field Assistant (Agriculture) is mainly deployed on law enforcement, supervisory and technical work; investigation, inspection, post-mortem (PM) examination of animal carcasses and laboratory bench work; and management of Government wholesale food markets.
Note: May be required to live in departmental quarters/ operation centres; drive departmental vehicles/ operate departmental vessels; and wear uniform if on regulatory work

Working Hours
About 45 hours a week, irregular working hours and work in shifts

Working Environment
Work indoors and outdoors in different areas

Work-related Personalities and Skills
- Communication skills
- Attention to details
- Responsible
- Logical and analytical

Promotion and Reference Salary
Field Assistant
From Point 7 to Point 11 of Master Pay Scale
Senior Field Assistant
From Point 12 to Point 15 of Master Pay Scale
Note: The reference salary is based on the Master Pay Scale of the civil service.
Entry Requirements
- Level 2 or equivalent or above in five subjects in the Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education Examination (HKDSEE), or equivalent; or Level 2 / Grade E or above in five subjects in the Hong Kong Certificate of Education Examination (HKCEE) , or equivalent
- At least two years’ relevant post-qualification working experience
- Met the language proficiency requirements of Level 2 or above in Chinese Language and English Language in the Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education Examination (HKDSEE) or the Hong Kong Certificate of Education Examination (HKCEE), or equivalent
- A pass result in the Basic Law and National Security Law Test (BLNST)
Note: For all civil service recruitment exercises to be advertised on or after 1 July 2022, attaining a pass result in the newly introduced BLNST will be an entry requirement for all civil service jobs.
Example of Related Training and Courses
Higher Diploma / Associate Degree
- Hong Kong Institute of Vocational Education, Vocational Training Council– Higher Diploma in Environmental Protection and Management
- Hong Kong Institute of Vocational Education, Vocational Training Council – Higher Diploma in Conservation and Tree Management
Bachelor Degree
- Hong Kong Baptist University – Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Bioresource and Agricultural Science
- The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology – Bachelor of Science in Ocean Science and Technology
A variety of organisations or associations may provide relevant training classes or courses. If you are intending to pursue these courses, you are reminded to be cautious and collect in-depth information, in particular the tuition fees and qualification recognition upon completion of these courses.
Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department – Fisheries Supervisor
- Assist in general fisheries development and promotion
- Process and investigate applications related to fisheries
- Perform educational work and fishermen training
- Conduct field surveys and compile data
- Perform licensing and law enforcement work relating to fisheries, marine parks and marine conservation
Note: May be required to live in departmental quarters in the New Territories; drive a government/ hired vehicle or vessel; perform duties at sea on board vessels or rafts; and wear uniform

Working Hours
About 45 hours a week, irregular working hours including working on evenings and weekends

Working Environment
Work in different areas

Work-related Personalities and Skills
- Attention to details
- Responsible
- Logical and analytical
- Organised

Promotion and Reference Salary
Fisheries Supervisor II
From Point 8 to Point 21 of Master Pay Scale
Fisheries Supervisor I
From Point 22 to Point 28 of Master Pay Scale
Senior Fisheries Supervisor
From Point 29 to Point 33 of Master Pay Scale
Note: The reference salary is based on the Master Pay Scale of the civil service.
Entry Requirements
- A diploma or higher certificate in Mechanical Engineering, Management Studies, Applied Science or a related subject from a Hong Kong polytechnic/polytechnic university or Hong Kong Institute of Vocational Education/technical college/technical institute or equivalent; or a recognised diploma from a post-secondary fisheries school or college, or equivalent, and one year’s post-qualification practical experience
- Met the language proficiency requirements of Level 2 or above in Chinese Language and English Language in the Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education Examination (HKDSEE) or Hong Kong Certificate of Education Examination (HKCEE) or equivalent
- A pass result in the Basic Law and National Security Law Test (BLNST)
Note: For all civil service recruitment exercises to be advertised on or after 1 July 2022, attaining a pass result in the newly introduced BLNST will be an entry requirement for all civil service jobs.
Example of Related Training and Courses
Higher Diploma / Associate Degree
- Hong Kong Community College of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University - Higher Diploma in Mechanical Engineering
- Hong Kong Institute of Vocational Education, Vocational Training Council - Higher Diploma in Environmental Science
- Hong Kong Institute of Vocational Education, Vocational Training Council - Higher Diploma in Environmental Protection
Bachelor Degree
- The Hong Kong Polytechnic University - Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) Scheme in Mechanical Engineering
- The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology - Bachelor of Science in Ocean Science and Technology
A variety of organisations or associations may provide relevant training classes or courses. If you are intending to pursue these courses, you are reminded to be cautious and collect in-depth information, in particular the tuition fees and qualification recognition upon completion of these courses.
Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department – Associate Veterinary Technologist
- Carry out laboratory work in connection with diagnosis of animal diseases, animal health control and animal disease surveillance
- Conduct research work in connection with any advanced laboratory test
- Carry out administrative and quality management work in connection with the routine operation of the laboratory
- Supervise the day-to-day running of the laboratory and the training of junior staff

Working Hours
About 45 hours a week, work in shifts

Working Environment
Work indoors, such as a laboratory; may be required to work in remote areas

Work-related Personalities and Skills
- Time management skills
- Attention to details
- Responsible
- Organised

Promotion and Reference Salary
Associate Veterinary Technologist
From Point 14 to Point 24 of Master Pay Scale
Veterinary Technologist
From Point 25 to Point 33A of Master Pay Scale
Senior Veterinary Technologist
From Point 34 to Point 39 of Master Pay Scale
Note: The reference salary is based on the Master Pay Scale of the civil service.
Entry Requirements
- A Higher Diploma in Medical Laboratory Science from a local tertiary academic institution or equivalent
- Registered in Hong Kong as a Medical Laboratory Technologist in Part II of the Register of the Medical Laboratory Technologists under the Supplementary Medical Professions Ordinance (SMP Ordinance) (Cap. 359)
- A valid Practising Certificate issued by the Medical Laboratory Technologists Board of Hong Kong
- Met the language proficiency requirements of Level 2 or above in Chinese Language and English Language in HKDSEE or HKCEE, or equivalent
- A pass result in the Basic Law and National Security Law Test (BLNST)
Note: For all civil service recruitment exercises to be advertised on or after 1 July 2022, attaining a pass result in the newly introduced BLNST will be an entry requirement for all civil service jobs.
Example of Related Training and Courses
Higher Diploma / Associate Degree
- Li Ka Shing School of Professional and Continuing Education - Hong Kong Metropolitan University - Higher Diploma in Health and Molecular Testing
- Hong Kong Institute of Vocational Education, Vocational Training Council - Higher Diploma in Biotechnology
Bachelor Degree
- Hong Kong Polytechnic University - Bachelor of Science (Honours) Scheme in Medical Laboratory Science and Radiography – Medical Laboratory Science
- Tung Wah College - Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Medical Laboratory Science
A variety of organisations or associations may provide relevant training classes or courses. If you are intending to pursue these courses, you are reminded to be cautious and collect in-depth information, in particular the tuition fees and qualification recognition upon completion of these courses.
Assistant Clerical Officer
An Assistant Clerical Officer is mainly deployed on general clerical duties which may involve multi-tasks relating to one or a combination of the following functional areas:
(a) general office support;
(b) personnel;
(c) finance and accounts;
(d) customer service;
(e) licensing and registration;
(f) support to Government Counsel, and court support and registry services to judges and court users;
(g) statistical duties;
(h) information technology support; and
(i) other departmental support.
- An Assistant Clerical Officer is subject to posting to any government offices in any districts of Hong Kong
- is required to use information technology applications in the discharge of duties
- may be required to wear uniform at work

Working Hours
About 44 hours a week, may have irregular working hours or work in shift

Working Environment
Work in an office

Work-related Personalities and Skills
- Attention to details
- Responsible

Promotion and Reference Salary
Assistant Clerical Officer
From Point 3 to Point 15 of Master Pay Scale
Clerical Officer
From Point 16 to Point 21 of Master Pay Scale
Senior Clerical Officer
From Point 22 to Point 27 of Master Pay Scale
Note: The reference salary is based on the Master Pay Scale of the civil service.
Entry Requirements
- (i) Level 2 or equivalent or above in five subjects including Mathematics in the Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education Examination (HKDSEE), or equivalent; or (ii) Level 2 / Grade E or above in five subjects including Mathematics in the Hong Kong Certificate of Education Examination (HKCEE), or equivalent;
- met the language proficiency requirements of Level 2 or above in Chinese Language and English Language in HKDSEE or HKCEE, or equivalent;
- Chinese word processing speed of 20 words per minute;
- English word processing speed of 30 words per minute;
- proficiency in the application of common business software; and
- a pass result in the Basic Law and National Security Law Test (BLNST).
- For all civil service recruitment exercises to be advertised on or after 1 July 2022, attaining a pass result in the newly introduced BLNST will be an entry requirement for all civil service jobs.
- Year-round Recruitment of Assistant Clerical Officer has commenced since 6 October 2023.
Example of Related Training and Courses
Diploma of Applied Education (DAE)
- Caritas Institute of Community Education – Diploma of Applied Education in Civil Service (Civilian)
- Hong Kong Institute of Technology – Diploma of Applied Education in Clerical Work Practices for Civil Servant
A variety of organisations or associations may provide relevant training classes or courses. If you are intending to pursue these courses, you are reminded to be cautious and collect in-depth information, in particular the tuition fees and qualification recognition upon completion of these courses.
Census and Statistics Department – Statistical Officer
- Assisting in designing forms used in statistical systems and questionnaires used in censuses and surveys and selecting samples
- Editing and coding questionnaires
- Handling statistical computations
- Preparing simple computer programmes and applying computer packages in statistical work
- Compiling statistical tables and charts
- Assisting in analysis of statistical data

Working Hours
About 44 hours a week

Working Environment
Work in an office

Work-related Personalities and Skills
- Attention to details
- Responsible
- Logical and analytical
- Organised

Promotion and Reference Salary
Statistical Officer II
From Point 8 to Point 21 of Master Pay Scale
Statistical Officer I
From Point 22 to Point 28 of Master Pay Scale
Senior Statistical Officer
From Point 29 to Point 33 of Master Pay Scale
Note: The reference salary is based on the Master Pay Scale of the civil service.
Entry Requirements
- An Ordinary Certificate in Statistics from the Hong Kong Statistical Society (HKSS), or equivalent, with two years’ practical experience in statistical work; or a Higher Certificate in Statistics from Hong Kong Statistical Society (HKSS), or equivalent; or an accredited associate degree or higher diploma in Statistics, Data Science, or a related field from a recognized post-secondary institution in Hong Kong, or equivalent
- Met the language proficiency requirements of Level 2 or above in Chinese Language and English Language in the Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education Examination (HKDSEE) or Hong Kong Certificate of Education Examination (HKCEE), or equivalent
- A pass result in the Basic Law and National Security Law Test (BLNST)
Note: For all civil service recruitment exercises to be advertised on or after 1 July 2022, attaining a pass result in the newly introduced BLNST will be an entry requirement for all civil service jobs.
Example of Related Training and Courses
Higher Diploma / Associate Degree
- Hong Kong Community College of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University - Associate in Statistics and Data Science
- Hong Kong Institute of Information Technology, Vocational Training Council - Higher Diploma in Data Science and AI
Bachelor Degree
- City University of Hong Kong - Bachelor of Science in Data Science
- The University of Hong Kong - Bachelor of Engineering in Data Science and Engineering
A variety of organisations or associations may provide relevant training classes or courses. If you are intending to pursue these courses, you are reminded to be cautious and collect in-depth information, in particular the tuition fees and qualification recognition upon completion of these courses.
Civil Aid Service – Programme Assistant
- Assist in coordinating recruitment exercises of the youth and people of diverse race
- Assist in organising, coordinating and implementing activities, events and training for the youth and people of diverse race
- Act as ambassador of CAS to the general public and communities of diverse race and assist in liaising with government departments, non-governmental organisations, related schools and commercial organisations
- Serve as trainer and mentor of the training activities for people of diverse race and assist in preparing training manuals, translating materials and references
- Provide administrative support to daily office operations, including compilation of returns and reports

Working Hours
About 40 hours a week, may have irregular working hours and work in shifts

Working Environment
Work indoors and outdoors

Work-related Personalities and Skills
- Communication skills
- Attention to details
- Responsible
- Helpful

Promotion and Reference Salary
Programme Assistant
Approximately $18,000 or above
Note: If you are working in a non-governmental organisation, your salary may vary.
Entry Requirements
- Level 2 or equivalent or above in five subjects in the Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education Examination (HKDSEE), or equivalent; or Level 2/ Grade E or above in five subjects in the Hong Kong Certificate of Education Examination (HKCEE), or equivalent
- Met the language proficiency requirements of Level 2 or above in Chinese Language and English Language in HKDSEE or HKCEE, or equivalent
- Good command of Urdu, Hindi or Nepali
- Possess good computer knowledge, including MS Office software, Excel and PowerPoint, etc.
- Applicants may be required to take trade test and/or written test
- Candidates must be permanent residents of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region at the time of appointment unless specified otherwise
Example of Related Training and Courses
Diploma of Applied Education
- Caritas Institute of Community Education - Diploma of Applied Education in Social Service
- Hong Kong College of Technology - Diploma of Applied Education in Social Services
Advanced Diploma
A variety of organisations or associations may provide relevant training classes or courses. If you are intending to pursue these courses, you are reminded to be cautious and collect in-depth information, in particular the tuition fees and qualification recognition upon completion of these courses.
Civil Service Bureau – Official Languages Officer
- Translate Chinese into English and vice versa
- Interpret in English, Cantonese and/or Putonghua at boards, committees, meetings and interviews
- Attend meetings for the purpose of producing minutes in Chinese and/or English
- Provide language-related support services such as drafting and vetting documents in Chinese and English, and advise on the use of the two official languages
- Assist in office management work

Working Hours
About 44 hours a week

Working Environment
Work in an office

Work-related Personalities and Skills
- Communication skills
- Time management skills
- Attention to details

Promotion and Reference Salary
Official Languages Officer II
From Point 14 to Point 27 of Master Pay Scale
Official Languages Officer I
From Point 28 to Point 33 of Master Pay Scale
Senior Official Languages Officer
From Point 34 to Point 44 of Master Pay Scale
Chief Official Languages Officer
From Point 45 to Point 49 of Master Pay Scale
Note: The reference salary is based on the Master Pay Scale of the civil service.
Entry Requirements
- A bachelor’s degree from a university in Hong Kong, or equivalent
- Level 2 results in the two language papers (Use of Chinese and Use of English) in the Common Recruitment Examination (CRE), or equivalent
- A pass result in the Basic Law and National Security Law Test (Degree/Professional Grades) (BLNST)
Note 1: Eligible applicants will be invited to sit for the Official Languages Officer Written Examination (OLOWE), which includes papers on Practical Writing (Chinese and English) and Translation (Chinese to English and vice versa). Applicants who have passed the OLOWE will be selected for interpretation test and interview based on their results in the OLOWE.
Note 2: For all civil service recruitment exercises to be advertised on or after 1 July 2022, attaining a pass result in the newly introduced BLNST will be an entry requirement for all civil service jobs.
Example of Related Training and Courses
Bachelor Degree
- The Chinese University of Hong Kong – Bachelor of Arts in Translation
- The Education University of Hong Kong – Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Language Studies (Chinese Major/English Major)
- The Hong Kong Polytechnic University - Bachelor of Arts (Honours)/Bachelor of Science (Honours) Scheme in Language Sciences, Translation, and Speech Therapy (Linguistics and Translation / Language Sciences and Analytics / Speech Therapy)
A variety of organisations or associations may provide relevant training classes or courses. If you are intending to pursue these courses, you are reminded to be cautious and collect in-depth information, in particular the tuition fees and qualification recognition upon completion of these courses.
Clerical Assistant
A Clerical Assistant is mainly deployed on general and basic clerical duties which may involve multi-tasks relating to one or a combination of the following functional areas:
(a) general office support;
(b) personnel;
(c) finance and accounts;
(d) customer service;
(e) licensing and registration;
(f) statistical duties;
(g) information technology support; and
(h) other departmental support.
A Clerical Assistant is subject to posting to any government offices in any districts of Hong Kong; is required to use information technology applications in the discharge of duties; and may be required to wear uniform at work.

Working Hours
About 44 hours a week, may have irregular working hours or work in shift

Working Environment
Work in an office

Work-related Personalities and Skills
- Attention to details
- Responsible

Promotion and Reference Salary
Clerical Assistant
From Point 1 to Point 10 of Master Pay Scale
Note: The reference salary is based on the Master Pay Scale of the civil service.
Serving Clerical Assistants may apply for the post of Assistant Clerical Officer through open recruitment or the In-service Appointment Scheme.
Entry Requirements
- Completed Secondary 4 with subjects studied including Mathematics, or equivalent;
- attained a level of proficiency in Chinese Language and English Language equivalent to Secondary 4 standard;
- Chinese word processing speed of 15 words per minute;
- English word processing speed of 20 words per minute;
- knowledge in the application of common business software; and
- a pass result in the Basic Law and National Security Law Test (BLNST).
- For all civil service recruitment exercises to be advertised on or after 1 July 2022, attaining a pass result in the newly introduced BLNST will be an entry requirement for all civil service jobs.
- Year-round Recruitment of Clerical Assistant has commenced since 6 October 2023.
Example of Related Training and Courses
Diploma of Applied Education (DAE)
- Caritas Institute of Community Education – Diploma of Applied Education in Civil Service (Civilian)
- Hong Kong Institute of Technology – Diploma of Applied Education in Clerical Work Practices for Civil Servant
A variety of organisations or associations may provide relevant training classes or courses. If you are intending to pursue these courses, you are reminded to be cautious and collect in-depth information, in particular the tuition fees and qualification recognition upon completion of these courses.
Commerce and Economic Development Bureau - Assistant Trade Officer
- Assist in research and analysis of data related to business, innovation and technology matters
- Assist in managing licensing and control matters
- Assist in the provision of computing services relating to trade control systems, industrial/funding data and funding administrative systems
- Assist in the implementation of funding programmes and provision of support services relating to Small and Medium Enterprises, innovation and technology and creative industries
- Assist in the housekeeping matters of government-funded organisations in innovation and technology and creative industries
- Provide logistical support in arranging overseas/domestic visits, local factory/ company visits and trade and investment agreement negotiations, etc.
- May be required to attend conferences/other events, or to assist in negotiations in Hong Kong, Mainland and overseas
- May be appointed as a committee secretary

Working Hours
About 45 hours a week

Working Environment
Work in an office

Work-related Personalities and Skills
- Communication skills
- Attention to details
- Responsible
- Logical and analytical

Promotion and Reference Salary
Assistant Trade Officer II
From Point 14 to Point 27 of Master Pay Scale
Assistant Trade Officer I
From Point 28 to Point 33 of Master Pay Scale
Trade Officer
From Point 34 to Point 44 of Master Pay Scale
Principal Trade Officer
From Point 45 to Point 49 of Master Pay Scale
Note: The reference salary is based on the Master Pay Scale of the civil service
Entry Requirements
- A bachelor’s degree from a university in Hong Kong, or equivalent
- A pass result in the Aptitude Test (AT) in the Common Recruitment Examination (CRE)
- Met the language proficiency requirements of Level 2 in the two language papers (Use of Chinese (UC) and Use of English (UE)) in the CRE, or equivalent
- A pass result in the Basic Law and National Security Law Test (Degree / Professional Grades) (BLNST)
Note 1: Candidates will be required to pass the Joint Administrative Officer / Executive Officer / Labour Officer / Trade Officer / Management Services Officer / Transport Officer Recruitment Examination (JRE).
Note 2: For all civil service recruitment exercises to be advertised on or after 1 July 2022, attaining a pass result in the newly introduced BLNST will be an entry requirement for all civil service jobs.
Example of Related Training and Courses
Bachelor Degree
- Hong Kong Baptist University - Bachelor of Business Administration (Honours)
- Hong Kong Metropolitan University - Bachelor of Business Administration
- The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology - Bachelor of Business Administration in Information Systems
A variety of organisations or associations may provide relevant training classes or courses. If you are intending to pursue these courses, you are reminded to be cautious and collect in-depth information, in particular the tuition fees and qualification recognition upon completion of these courses.
Computer Operator
- Operate and monitor computer equipment, network and data centre/server room facilities
- Provide user information technology support and help desk services, and assist in incident management
- Assist in managing computer hardware processing, and assist in the system and security monitoring work of IT services
- Assist in the procurement of information technology equipment and services, contract management, site preparation work, and management of IT assets and external suppliers
- Assist in collating records and documents, and assist in compiling statistical data and reports

Working Hours
About 45 hours a week, work in shifts and irregular working hours

Working Environment
Work indoors

Work-related Personalities and Skills
- Communication skills
- Attention to details
- Responsible
- Organised

Promotion and Reference Salary
Computer Operator II
From Point 6 to Point 15 of Master Pay Scale
Computer Operator I
From Point 16 to Point 20 of Master Pay Scale
Senior Computer Operator
From Point 21 to Point 28 of Master Pay Scale
Assistant Computer Operation Manager
From Point 29 to point 33 of Master Pay Scale
Computer Operation Manager
From Point 34 to Point 39 of Master Pay Scale
Note: The reference salary is based on the Master Pay Scale of the civil service.
Entry Requirements
- Level 2 or equivalent or above in five subjects in the Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education Examination (HKDSEE), or equivalent; OR Level 2/ Grade E or above in five subjects in the Hong Kong Certificate of Education Examination (HKCEE), or equivalent
- Possess one year of relevant experience in control and operation of computer application; or provision of support services for terminal network users
- Met the language proficiency requirements of Level 2 or above in Chinese Language and English Language in HKDSEE or HKCEE, or equivalent
- A pass result in the Basic Law and National Security Law Test (BLNST)
Note: For all civil service recruitment exercises to be advertised on or after 1 July 2022, attaining a pass result in the newly introduced BLNST will be an entry requirement for all civil service jobs.
Example of Related Training and Courses
Diploma of Applied Education
Higher Diploma / Associate Degree
Bachelor Degree
A variety of organisations or associations may provide relevant training classes or courses. If you are intending to pursue these courses, you are reminded to be cautious and collect in-depth information, in particular the tuition fees and qualification recognition upon completion of these courses.
Department of Health – Research Assistant
- Conducting surveys
- Data entry and conducting computations to provide statistical outputs
- Preparing simple computer programmes and applying computer packages in statistical work
- Compiling and drawing statistical tables and charts
- Assisting in analysis of statistical data
- Providing other clerical support

Working Hours
About 45 hours a week, may be required to work in shifts and have irregular working hours

Working Environment
Work indoors

Work-related Personalities and Skills
- Time management skills
- Attention to details
- Logical and analytical
- Organised

Promotion and Reference Salary
Research Assistant
Approximately $17,000 or above
Note: If you are working in a non-governmental organisation, your salary may vary.
Entry Requirements
- A Higher Diploma in Statistics, Applied Mathematics or Statistical Computing from a local university or institute, or equivalent, for which at least one-third of the credit units should be related to descriptive statistics and statistical inference
- Met the language proficiency requirements of Level 2 or above in Chinese Language and English Language in the Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education Examination (HKDSEE) or the Hong Kong Certificate of Education Examination (HKCEE), or equivalent
- At least two years of full-time post-qualification work experience, preferably in the area of statistical analysis, statistical computation, conducting surveys, epidemiological research or disease surveillance control
- Other Requirements: Candidates should also preferably have knowledge in -
- statistical software (e.g. Statistics Analysis System (SAS), Statistical Product and Service Solutions (SPSS))
- statistical models (e.g. control chart, exponentially weighted-moving average, hierarchical linear modelling)
- biomedical statistics (e.g. cross-sectional studies, case-control studies)
- survey methods (e.g. sampling methods, data analysis)
Example of Related Training and Courses
Higher Diploma / Associate Degree
Bachelor Degree
A variety of organisations or associations may provide relevant training classes or courses. If you are intending to pursue these courses, you are reminded to be cautious and collect in-depth information, in particular the tuition fees and qualification recognition upon completion of these courses.
Digital Policy Office - Management Services Officer
- Assist in conducting management consultancies for bureaux / departments to facilitate and implement change, accelerate innovation and technology adoption, and promote cross-sector collaboration for better services.
- Types of consultancies include: business process re-engineering, departmental management reviews, organisational reviews, performance management, design thinking, knowledge management, shared services, public sector innovation, information technology application studies, reviews of Government’s work on streamlining and business facilitation as well as market and financial analysis
Note: May be posted to work in different policy bureaux and departmental units to provide service in the areas of general consulting, resource management and other specialised fields

Working Hours
About 45 hours a week

Working Environment
Work in an office

Work-related Personalities and Skills
- Responsible
- Helpful
- Creative
- Logical and analytical
- Adaptable

Promotion and Reference Salary
Management Services Officer II
From Point 14 to Point 27 of Master Pay Scale
Management Services Officer I
From Point 28 to Point 33 of Master Pay Scale
Senior Management Services Officer
From Point 34 to Point 44 of Master Pay Scale
Chief Management Services Officer
From Point 45 to Point 49 of Master Pay Scale
Note: The reference salary is based on the Master Pay of the civil service.
Entry Requirements
- A bachelor’s degree from a Hong Kong university, or equivalent
- A pass in the Aptitude Test in the CRE
- Met the language proficiency requirements of Level 2 in the two language papers (Use of Chinese and Use of English) in the CRE, or equivalent
- A pass result in the Basic Law and National Security Law Test (Degree / Professional Grades) (BLNST)
Note 1: Candidates will be required to pass the Joint Administrative Officer / Executive Officer / Labour Officer / Trade Officer / Management Services Officer / Transport Officer Recruitment Examination (JRE).
Note 2: For all civil service recruitment exercises to be advertised on or after 1 July 2022, attaining a pass result in the newly introduced BLNST will be an entry requirement for all civil service jobs.
Example of Related Training and Courses
Bachelor Degree
- Hong Kong Baptist University - Bachelor of Business Administration (Honours)
- City University of Hong Kong - Bachelor of Business Administration (Honours) in Management
- The Hang Seng University of Hong Kong - Bachelor of Business Administration (Honours) in Management
A variety of organisations or associations may provide relevant training classes or courses. If you are intending to pursue these courses, you are reminded to be cautious and collect in-depth information, in particular the tuition fees and qualification recognition upon completion of these courses.
Education Bureau - Assistant Education Officer (Administration)
- Assist in conducting educational researches, reviews and planning
- Assist in the implementation of education policies by –
- providing support to schools on administration and conducting advisory visits and school inspections
- managing school building and improvement projects
- processing school registration applications
- processing registration, training and development of teachers/educational professionals
- allocating school places
- developing and maintaining educational information systems

Working Hours
About 45 hours a week

Working Environment
Work in an office

Work-related Personalities and Skills
- Time management skills
- Attention to details
- Responsible
- Patient
- Logical and analytical

Promotion and Reference Salary
Assistant Education Officer (Administration)
From Point 21 to Point 33 of Master Pay Scale
Education Officer (Administration)
From Point 34 to Point 44 of Master Pay Scale
Senior Education Officer (Administration)
From Point 45 to Point 49 of Master Pay Scale
Note: The reference salary is based on the Master Pay Scale of the civil service. If you are working in a non-governmental organisation, your salary may vary.
Entry Requirements
- A Hong Kong bachelor's degree, or equivalent
- A certificate in education from a Hong Kong tertiary educational institution, or equivalent
- Three years' relevant post-degree experience
- Met the language proficiency requirements of 'Level 2' results in the two language papers (Use of Chinese and Use of English) in the Common Recruitment Examination (CRE), or equivalent
- A pass result in the Basic Law and National Security Law Test (Degree / Professional Grades) (BLNST)
Note 1: Candidates should be responsible, self-motivated and enthusiastic; have a fine character and integrity; be committed to serve in the education field; and be able to communicate effectively in Chinese and English.
Note 2: For all civil service recruitment exercises to be advertised on or after 1 July 2022, attaining a pass result in the newly introduced BLNST will be an entry requirement for all civil service jobs.
Example of Related Training and Courses
Bachelor Degree
- The Education University of Hong Kong - Bachelor of Education (Honours) (Chinese Language)
- Hong Kong Metropolitan University - Bachelor of Education with Honours in English Language Teaching and Bachelor of English Language Studies with Honours
- The Chinese University of Hong Kong - Bachelor of Education in Mathematics and Mathematics Education
- The University of Hong Kong - Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Education in Language Education - English (Double Degree)
A variety of organisations or associations may provide relevant training classes or courses. If you are intending to pursue these courses, you are reminded to be cautious and collect in-depth information, in particular the tuition fees and qualification recognition upon completion of these courses.
Education Bureau - Assistant Inspector (Graduate)
- Conducting quality assurance inspection
- Assisting in professional training and development of educational professionals
- Assisting in curriculum development and review
- Provision of school-based support and school development
- Monitoring and provision of special education services
- Assisting in formulation and implementation of other education policies
Note: Appointees are subject to posting to meet operational needs. Apart from posts in the subject streams they apply for, they may also be deployed to fill posts in the Generalist stream or other related disciplines.

Working Hours
About 45 hours a week

Working Environment
Work in an office

Work-related Personalities and Skills
- Time management skills
- Attention to details
- Responsible
- Logical and analytical
- Adaptable

Promotion and Reference Salary
Assistant Inspector (Graduate)
From Point 23 to Point 33 of Master Pay Scale
Inspector (Graduate)
From Point 34 to Point 39 of Master Pay Scale
Senior Inspector (Education)
From Point 40 to Point 44 of Master Pay Scale
Principal Inspector (Education)
From Point 45 to Point 49 of Master Pay Scale
Note: The reference salary is based on the Master Pay Scale of the civil service.
Entry Requirements
- A Hong Kong bachelor’s degree in a relevant subject, or equivalent;
- A certificate in education from a Hong Kong tertiary educational institution, or equivalent;
- Four years’ relevant post-degree experience;
- Met the language proficiency requirements of ‘Level 2’ results in the two language papers (Use of Chinese and Use of English) in the Common Recruitment Examination (CRE), or equivalent; and
- A pass result in the Basic Law and National Security Law Test (Degree / Professional Grades) (BLNST)
Note 1: Candidates should be responsible, self-motivated and enthusiastic; have a fine character and integrity; be committed to serve in the education field; and be able to communicate effectively in Chinese and English.
Note 2: For all civil service recruitment exercises to be advertised on or after 1 July 2022, attaining a pass result in the newly introduced BLNST will be an entry requirement for all civil service jobs.
Example of Related Training and Courses
Bachelor Degree
- The Education University of Hong Kong - Bachelor of Education (Honours) (Chinese Language)
- The Education University of Hong Kong - Bachelor of Education (Honours) (Secondary) - Information and Communication Technology
- The Chinese University of Hong Kong - Bachelor of Arts (English Studies) and Bachelor of Education (English Language Education)
- The University of Hong Kong - Bachelor of Education and Bachelor of Science
- The University of Hong Kong - Bachelor of Education in Early Childhood Education and Special Education
A variety of organisations or associations may provide relevant training classes or courses. If you are intending to pursue these courses, you are reminded to be cautious and collect in-depth information, in particular the tuition fees and qualification recognition upon completion of these courses.
Education Bureau - Laboratory Technician
A Laboratory Technician is mainly deployed on undertaking on-the-job training in a laboratory, in a special education services centre, in a training centre or in a lecturing theatre to:
- purchase stores and equipment, and to keep stores and inventory
- prepare and set up apparatus for students' experiments and teachers' demonstration
- assist teachers in performing demonstrations, and to assist in maintaining laboratory safety during students' experiments
- prepare, operate and maintain audio visual and computer equipment

Working Hours
About 45 hours a week

Working Environment
Work indoors

Work-related Personalities and Skills
- Communication skills
- Attention to details
- Responsible
- Organised

Promotion and Reference Salary
Laboratory Technician III
From Point 4 to Point 6 of Training Pay Scale
Laboratory Technician II
From Point 8 to Point 21 of Master Pay Scale
Laboratory Technician I
From Point 22 to Point 28 of Master Pay Scale
Note: The reference salary is based on the Master Pay Scale of the civil service. If you are working in a non-governmental organisation, your salary may vary.
Entry Requirements
- Level 2 or equivalent or above in five subjects, including two science subjects (i.e. Physics, Chemistry, Biology or Combined Science) in the Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education Examination (HKDSEE), or equivalent; or Level 2/Grade E or above in five subjects, including two science subjects (i.e. Physics, Chemistry or Biology), in the Hong Kong Certificate of Education Examination (HKCEE), or equivalent
- Met the language proficiency requirements of Level 2 or above in Chinese Language and English Language in HKDSEE or HKCEE, or equivalent
- A pass result in the Basic Law and National Security Law Test (BLNST)
Note 1: Candidates should be responsible, self-motivated and enthusiastic; have a fine character and integrity; be committed to serving in the education field; and be able to communicate effectively in Chinese and English.
Note 2: Training will be provided to newly appointed Laboratory Technicians III on a part-time basis at the Vocational Training Council to pursue the Certificate of Laboratory Technicians, which is part of the prerequisite for passage of the probation bar.
Note 3: For all civil service recruitment exercises to be advertised on or after 1 July 2022, attaining a pass result in the newly introduced BLNST will be an entry requirement for all civil service jobs.
Example of Related Training and Courses
A variety of organisations or associations may provide relevant training classes or courses. If you are intending to pursue these courses, you are reminded to be cautious and collect in-depth information, in particular the tuition fees and qualification recognition upon completion of these courses.
Education Bureau - Specialist (Education Services) (Audiology)
- Providing professional assessment to children with hearing impairment
- Assisting to identify educational needs, giving consultation and arranging supportive services to children, parents and teachers

Working Hours
About 45 hours a week

Working Environment
Work in an office

Work-related Personalities and Skills
- Communication skills
- Time management skills
- Attention to details
- Responsible
- Patient

Promotion and Reference Salary
Specialist (Education Services) II
From Point 23 to Point 33 of Master Pay Scale
Specialist (Education Services) I
From Point 34 to Point 44 of Master Pay Scale
Senior Specialist (Education Services)
From Point 45 to Point 49 of Master Pay Scale
Note: The reference salary is based on the Master Pay Scale of the civil service. If you are working in a non-governmental organisation, your salary may vary.
Entry Requirements
- A Hong Kong bachelor's degree in Audiology, or equivalent
- A certificate in education from a Hong Kong tertiary educational institution, or equivalent
- Four years' relevant post-degree experience
- Met the language proficiency requirements of 'Level 2' results in the two language papers (Use of Chinese and Use of English) in the Common Recruitment Examination (CRE), or equivalent
- A pass result in the Basic Law and National Security Law Test (Degree / Professional Grades) (BLNST)
Note: For all civil service recruitment exercises to be advertised on or after 1 July 2022, attaining a pass result in the newly introduced BLNST will be an entry requirement for all civil service jobs.
Example of Related Training and Courses
Bachelor Degree
Master Degree
A variety of organisations or associations may provide relevant training classes or courses. If you are intending to pursue these courses, you are reminded to be cautious and collect in-depth information, in particular the tuition fees and qualification recognition upon completion of these courses.
Education Bureau - Specialist (Education Services) (Speech Therapy)
- Providing professional assessment and remedial treatment to students with speech and language impairment
- Assisting to identify educational needs, providing consultation and prescribing follow-up support programmes to parents, teachers and schools

Working Hours
About 45 hours a week

Working Environment
Work in an office

Work-related Personalities and Skills
- Communication skills
- Time management skills
- Attention to details
- Responsible
- Patient

Promotion and Reference Salary
Specialist (Education Services) II
From Point 23 to Point 33 of Master Pay Scale
Specialist (Education Services) I
From Point 34 to Point 44 of Master Pay Scale
Senior Specialist (Education Services)
From Point 45 to Point 49 of Master Pay Scale
Note: The reference salary is based on the Master Pay Scale of the civil service . If you are working in a non-governmental organisation, your salary may vary.
Entry Requirements
- A Hong Kong bachelor's degree in Speech and Hearing Sciences, or equivalent
- A certificate in education from a Hong Kong tertiary educational institution, or equivalent
- Four years' relevant post-degree experience
- Met the language proficiency requirements of 'Level 2' results in the two language papers (Use of Chinese and Use of English) in the Common Recruitment Examination (CRE), or equivalent
- A pass result in the Basic Law and National Security Law Test (Degree / Professional Grades) (BLNST)
- Fluent in Cantonese and spoken English
Note: For all civil service recruitment exercises to be advertised on or after 1 July 2022, attaining a pass result in the newly introduced BLNST will be an entry requirement for all civil service jobs.
Example of Related Training and Courses
Bachelor Degree
Master Degree
- The Education University of Hong Kong - Master of Science in Educational Speech-Language Pathology and Learning Disabilities
- The Hong Kong Polytechnic University - Master of Speech Therapy
- The Chinese University of Hong Kong - Master of Science in Speech-Language Pathology
A variety of organisations or associations may provide relevant training classes or courses. If you are intending to pursue these courses, you are reminded to be cautious and collect in-depth information, in particular the tuition fees and qualification recognition upon completion of these courses.
Environmental Protection Department - Outreaching Coordinator (Waste Reduction and Recycling)
- Carry out site visits for rendering on-site support to estates, buildings, villages and other premises on practising waste reduction and recycling
- Conduct education and promotional activities and events on proper waste separation at source and clean recycling, and promotion of the Environmental Protection Department’s waste reduction and recycling initiatives and schemes
- Reach out and provide support to property management companies and resident/tenant groups
- Prepare materials for public education and promotion activities/events
- Undertake other duties pertaining to the work to be assigned, including but not limited to outreaching service, waste reduction and recycling, and waste management related duties

Working Hours
Irregular working hours, may work overtime (including evenings, weekends and public holidays)

Working Environment
Work indoors and outdoors

Work-related Personalities and Skills
- Communication skills
- Time management skills
- Responsible

Promotion and Reference Salary
Outreaching Coordinator
Approximately $21,000 or above
Note: If you are working in a non-governmental organisation, your salary may vary.
Entry Requirements
- A Diploma or Higher Certificate from a Hong Kong university/the Hong Kong Polytechnic, Hong Kong Institute of Vocational Education/technical college/technical institute in a subject relevant in science, engineering, education, social science, community services, business administration, management, public administration, event marketing and promotion, social work or equivalent
- Preference may be given to candidates with one years’ relevant full-time post-qualification working experience in education, social work, business management, liaison work, stakeholder engagement or planning and organisation of events/publicity, preferably in environmental protection
- Met the language proficiency requirement of Level 2 (Note) or above in Chinese Language and English Language in the Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education Examination (HKDSEE) or the Hong Kong Certificate of Education Examination (HKCEE), or equivalent. (Note: “Grade E” in Chinese Language and English Language (Syllabus B) in the HKCEE before 2007 are accepted administratively as comparable to “Level 2” in Chinese Language and English Language in the 2007 HKCEE and henceforth)
- Good command of spoken and written English and Chinese
- Good personality and inter-personal communication skills, self-motivation and ability to work independently
- Preference may be given to candidates with: (i) hands-on experience in managing social media for an organisation; or (ii) knowledge and experience in computer applications (such as word processing in Chinese and English, spreadsheet and presentation software, etc.)
Example of Related Training and Courses
Higher Diploma/ Associate Degree
- Hong Kong Community College of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University - Associate in Applied Social Sciences
- Hong Kong Institute of Vocational Education, Vocational Training Council - Higher Diploma in Environmental Protection and Management
A variety of organisations or associations may provide relevant training classes or courses. If you are intending to pursue these courses, you are reminded to be cautious and collect in-depth information, in particular the tuition fees and qualification recognition upon completion of these courses.
Executive Officer
The main job functions of the EO Grade are -
- Human Resource Management - discharging a full range of HRM functions including manpower and succession planning, recruitment, promotion, performance management, training and development, conduct and discipline, etc.
- Financial Resource Management - including planning, allocating and managing financial resources, and exercising control over revenue and expenditure to ensure proper use of public funds
- Administration Support -
- General Administration - provision of a wide range of general administration services including office accommodation, building management, departmental transport services, etc.
- Policy Support - providing assistance in research of background information, presentation and analysis of the information collected, and liaison with parties concerned to facilitate the formulation of policies
- System/Project Planning and Development - including internal audit and system development duties, and coordinating the planning and implementation of projects
- Direct Services to the Public, Support to Boards and Councils and Event Management - including the delivery of licencing and registration services, investigation of complaint cases, handling of public enquiries, provision of secretariat support to various boards and councils, provision of administration and logistic support to events and elections, etc.

Working Hours
About 44 hours a week

Working Environment
Work in an office

Work-related Personalities and Skills
- Communication skills
- Responsible
- Leadership skills
- Logical and analytical

Promotion and Reference Salary
Executive Officer II
From Point 15 to Point 27 of Master Pay Scale
Executive Officer I
From Point 28 to Point 33 of Master Pay Scale
Senior Executive Officer
From Point 34 to Point 44 of Master Pay Scale
Chief Executive Officer
From Point 45 to Point 49 of Master Pay Scale
Note: The reference salary is based on the Master Pay Scale
Entry Requirements
- A bachelor’s degree from a Hong Kong university, or equivalent
- A pass resultin the Aptitude Test in the Common Recruitment Examination (CRE)
- A good command of both Chinese and English and have met the language proficiency requirements of Level 2 results in the two language papers (Use of Chinese and Use of English) in the CRE or equivalent
- A pass result in the Basic Law and National Security Law Test (Degree / Professional Grades) (BLNST)
Note 1: Candidates will be required to pass the Joint Administrative Officer / Executive Officer / Labour Officer / Trade Officer / Management Services Officer / Transport Officer Recruitment Examination (JRE).
Note 2: For all civil service recruitment exercises to be advertised on or after 1 July 2022, attaining a pass result in the newly introduced BLNST will be an entry requirement for all civil service jobs.
Example of Related Training and Courses
Bachelor Degree
- City University of Hong Kong - Bachelor of Social Sciences in Public Policy and Bachelor of Laws
- The Chinese University of Hong Kong - Government and Public Administration
A variety of organisations or associations may provide relevant training classes or courses. If you are intending to pursue these courses, you are reminded to be cautious and collect in-depth information, in particular the tuition fees and qualification recognition upon completion of these courses.
Food and Environmental Hygiene Department - Assistant Hawker Control Officer
- Perform hawker control duties including arrests, seizures and disposals of seized articles and hawker paraphernalia, hawker clearance, regularisation, re-ordering and resiting work, hawker surveys, give evidence in court, prepare documents and records, supervise Workmen I in hawker operations, operate radio equipment and man the District / Hawker Control Task Force Control Centre, Seized Goods Store and Hawker Handling Centre, etc.
- Keep markets, hawker bazaars and areas maintained by Hawker Control Teams clear of illegal hawking activities and obstruction
- Undertake anti-litter duties including the issue of fixed penalty notice
- Undertake duties relating to illegal shop extension
- Conduct training
Note: Assistant Hawker Control Officers are required to observe a special job-related disciplinary code, wear uniform, and receive training appropriate to their duties and are subject to posting and transfer at the discretion of the Department.

Working Hours
About 45 hours a week, irregular working hours and work in shifts

Working Environment
Work in different areas

Work-related Personalities and Skills
- Communication skills
- Time management skills
- Attention to details
- Responsible

Promotion and Reference Salary
Assistant Hawker Control Officer
From Point 8 to Point 14 of Master Pay Scale
Hawker Control Officer
From Point 15 to Point 18 of Master Pay Scale
Senior Hawker Control Officer
Form Point 19 to Point 22 of Master Pay Scale
Chief Hawker Control Officer
From Point 23 to Point 27 of Master Pay Scale
Principal Hawker Control Officer
From Point 28 to Point 30 of Master Pay Scale
Note: The reference salary is based on the Master Pay Scale of the civil service.
Entry Requirements
- Level 2 or equivalent or above in three subjects in the Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education Examination (HKDSEE) , or equivalent; or Level 2 / Grade E or above in three subjects in the Hong Kong Certificate of Education Examination (HKCEE) , or equivalent; and 3 years’ post-qualification working experience; OR Level 2 or equivalent or above in five subjects in HKDSEE , or equivalent; or Level 2 / Grade E or above in five subjects in HKCEE , or equivalent; and 2 years’ post-qualification working experience,
- Met the language proficiency requirements of Level 2 or above in Chinese Language and English Language in HKDSEE or HKCEE, or equivalent
- A pass in a relevant physical test for assessing candidates’ physique in carrying out law enforcement duties
- A pass result in the Basic Law and National Security Law Test (BLNST)
Note: For all civil service recruitment exercises to be advertised on or after 1 July 2022, attaining a pass result in the newly introduced BLNST will be an entry requirement for all civil service jobs.
Example of Related Training and Courses
Diploma of Applied Education
- HKCT Institute of Higher Education - Diploma of Applied Education in Civil Service
- School of Business and Information Systems, Vocational Training Council - Diploma of Applied Education in Disciplinary Force
A variety of organisations or associations may provide relevant training classes or courses. If you are intending to pursue these courses, you are reminded to be cautious and collect in-depth information, in particular the tuition fees and qualification recognition upon completion of these courses.
Home Affairs Department – Executive Assistant (Election)
- Assist in the preparation and conduct of public elections (such as handling election complaints, election nominations, and other election-related work), voter registration, and voter turnout campaigns
- Provide administrative support
- Perform other duties as required

Working Hours
About 48 hours a week, irregular working hours

Working Environment
Work indoors and outdoors

Work-related Personalities and Skills
- Communication skills
- Time management skills
- Attention to details
- Responsible

Promotion and Reference Salary
Approximately $26,000 or above
Note: If you are working in a non-governmental organisation, your salary may vary.
Entry Requirements
- A bachelor's degree from a Hong Kong university, or equivalent
- Met the language proficiency requirements of Level 3 or above in Chinese Language and English Language in HKDSEE or HKCEE, or equivalent
- Good command of written and spoken Chinese and English
- Possess good computer knowledge, including MS Excel and Chinese and English Documents Office
- Preference may be given to candidates who have experience in public relations, liaison or administrative work, in particular relevant experience in planning and conducting public elections
Example of Related Training and Courses
Bachelor Degree
- The Chinese University of Hong Kong - Government and Public Administration
- City University of Hong Kong - Bachelor of Social Sciences in Public Policy and Bachelor of Laws
A variety of organisations or associations may provide relevant training classes or courses. If you are intending to pursue these courses, you are reminded to be cautious and collect in-depth information, in particular the tuition fees and qualification recognition upon completion of these courses.
Hong Kong Observatory – Scientific Officer
- Perform weather forecasting duties
- Supervise and train staff and carry out research in connection with the provision of services in areas including weather, climate, time and geophysics, radiation monitoring, physical oceanography, aviation meteorology, marine meteorology, applied meteorology, data processing, information technology, etc.
Note: A scientific officer may be required to attend professional training course locally or may be sent overseas to study meteorology and / or other related courses

Working Hours
Work in shifts and irregular working hours; may be required to perform ’on-call’ duty

Working Environment
Work outdoors; may be required to work in adverse weather conditions

Work-related Personalities and Skills
- Communication skills
- Attention to details
- Responsible
- Leadership skills

Promotion and Reference Salary
Scientific Officer
From Point 27 to Point 44 of Master Pay Scale
Senior Scientific Officer
From Point 45 to Point 49 of Master Pay Scale
Note: The reference salary is based on the Master Pay Scale of the civil service.
Entry Requirements
- A first or second class honours Bachelor’s degree in Physics, Mathematics, Meteorology, Nuclear Science, or an appropriate science subject from a university in Hong Kong, or equivalent
- At least two years’ post-graduate working experience in meteorology; or a Master degree in Physics, Mathematics, Meteorology, Nuclear Science, Computer Science, Information Technology, Electronic Engineering or an appropriate science subject from a university in Hong Kong, or equivalent
- Met the language proficiency requirements of "Level 1" results in two language papers (Use of Chinese Application and Use of English) in the Common Recruitment Examination, or equivalent
- A pass result in the Basic Law and National Security Law Test (Degree / Professional Grades) (BLNST)
Note: For all civil service recruitment exercises to be advertised on or after 1 July 2022, attaining a pass result in the newly introduced BLNST will be an entry requirement for all civil service jobs.
Example of Related Training and Courses
Bachelor Degree
- The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology - Bachelor of Science in Mathematics
- The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology - Bachelor of Science in Physics
- The Chinese University of Hong Kong - Bachelor of Science in Earth and Environmental Sciences
A variety of organisations or associations may provide relevant training classes or courses. If you are intending to pursue these courses, you are reminded to be cautious and collect in-depth information, in particular the tuition fees and qualification recognition upon completion of these courses.
Inland Revenue Department - Assistant Assessor
An Assistant Assessor is mainly deployed on undertaking assessment and / or collection of taxes and / or undertaking other duties under the Ordinances administered by the Department

Working Hours
About 44 hours a week

Working Environment
Work in an office

Work-related Personalities and Skills
- Time management skills
- Attention to details
- Responsible

Promotion and Reference Salary
Assistant Assessor
From Point 16 to Point 27 of Master Pay Scale
From Point 30 to Point 44 of Master Pay Scale
Senior Assessor
From Point 45 to Point 49 of Master Pay Scale
Note: The reference salary is based on the Master Pay Scale of the civil service.
Entry Requirements
- A Bachelor’s degree in Accountancy from a Hong Kong university, or equivalent; OR a registered student of the Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants’ Qualification Programme (HKICPA QP) and have completed the Associate Level of QP, or equivalent
- A pass in the Aptitude Test (AT) in the Common Recruitment Examination (CRE)
- Met the language proficiency requirements of Level 2 results in the two language papers [Use of Chinese (UC) and Use of English (UE)] in the CRE, or equivalent
- Fluent in Cantonese and spoken English
- A pass result in the Basic Law and National Security Law Test (Degree / Professional Grades) (BLNST)
Note: For all civil service recruitment exercises to be advertised on or after 1 July 2022, attaining a pass result in the newly introduced BLNST will be an entry requirement for all civil service jobs.
Example of Related Training and Courses
Bachelor degree
- Hong Kong Metropolitan University - Bachelor of Business Administration with Honours in Professional Accounting
- The Chinese University of Hong Kong - Bachelor of Business Administration in Professional Accountancy
- The University of Hong Kong - Bachelor of Business Administration in Accounting and Finance / Bachelor of Business Administration in Accounting Data Analytics
A variety of organisations or associations may provide relevant training classes or courses. If you are intending to pursue these courses, you are reminded to be cautious and collect in-depth information, in particular the tuition fees and qualification recognition upon completion of these courses.
Inland Revenue Department - Assistant Taxation Officer
- Assist in tax assessment, document processing, tax collection and recovery
- Handle tax enquiries and other related duties

Working Hours
About 45 hours a week

Working Environment
Work in an office

Work-related Personalities and Skills
- Communication skills
- Attention to details
- Responsible

Promotion and Reference Salary
Assistant Taxation Officer
From Point 3 to Point 15 of Master Pay Scale
Taxation Officer
From Point 16 to Point 21 of Master Pay Scale
Senior Taxation Officer
From Point 22 to Point 27 of Master Pay Scale
Note: The reference salary is based on the Master Pay Scale of the civil service.
Entry Requirements
- Level 2 or equivalent or above in the five subjects (including Chinese Language, English Language and Mathematics) in the Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education Examination (HKDSEE), or equivalent; OR Level 2/ Grade E or above in the five subjects (including Chinese Language, English Language and Mathematics) in the Hong Kong Certificate of Education Examination (HKCEE), or equivalent
- Met the language proficiency requirements of Level 2 or above in Chinese Language and English Language in the HKDSEE or HKCEE, or equivalent
- Fluent in Cantonese and spoken English
- A pass result in the Basic Law and National Security Law Test (BLNST)
Note: For all civil service recruitment exercises to be advertised on or after 1 July 2022, attaining a pass result in the newly introduced BLNST will be an entry requirement for all civil service jobs.
Example of Related Training and Courses
Higher Diploma/ Associate Degree
- UOW College Hong Kong - Associate of Business Administration in Accountancy
- Hong Kong Community College of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University - Associate in Business (Accounting)
- College of International Education of Hong Kong Baptist University - Associate of Science (Professional Accountancy)
Bachelor Degree
A variety of organisations or associations may provide relevant training classes or courses. If you are intending to pursue these courses, you are reminded to be cautious and collect in-depth information, in particular the tuition fees and qualification recognition upon completion of these courses.
Labour Department - Labour Officer
- Assist in the formulation and implementation of labour policies, promote harmonious labour relations, administer and enforce labour legislation, and provide comprehensive employment services for job seekers and employers
- Requires professional knowledge such as labour laws, conciliation and law enforcement skills, human resources management measures and labour market information
- Work with different stakeholders, including employers and employees, labour unions, chambers of commerce, relevant committees, and labour associations in other districts

Working Hours
About 45 hours a week

Working Environment
Work in an office

Work-related Personalities and Skills
- Communication skills
- Attention to details
- Responsible
- Patient

Promotion and Reference Salary
Assistant Labour Officer II
From Point 14 to Point 27 of Master Pay Scale
Assistant Labour Officer I
From Point 28 to Point 33 of Master Pay Scale
Labour Officer
From Point 34 to Point 44 of Master Pay Scale
Senior Labour Officer
From Point 45 to Point 49 of Master Pay Scale
Note: The reference salary is based on the Master Pay of the civil service.
Entry Requirements
- A Bachelor’s degree from a local university in Hong Kong, or equivalent
- A pass in the Aptitude Test in the Common Recruitment Examination (CRE)
- A good command of both Chinese and English and have met the language proficiency requirements of Level 2 results in the two language papers(Use of Chinese and Use of English) in the Common Recruitment Examination (CRE), or equivalent
- A pass result in the Basic Law and National Security Law Test (Degree / Professional Grades) (BLNST)
Note: For all civil service recruitment exercises to be advertised on or after 1 July 2022, attaining a pass result in the newly introduced BLNST will be an entry requirement for all civil service jobs.
Example of Related Training and Courses
Bachelor degree
- Hong Kong Shue Yan University – Bachelor of Business Administration (Honours) in Human Resources Management – Applied Psychology
- The Chinese University of Hong Kong - Integrated Bachelor of Business Administration Programme
- The Hang Seng University of Hong Kong - Bachelor of Business Administration (Honours) in Human Resource Management
A variety of organisations or associations may provide relevant training classes or courses. If you are intending to pursue these courses, you are reminded to be cautious and collect in-depth information, in particular the tuition fees and qualification recognition upon completion of these courses.
Leisure and Cultural Services Department - Amenities Assistant
An Amenities Assistant is mainly responsible for supervising minor staff in recreational and amenities services including:
- arboriculture, plant production, botanical, zoological, aviary maintenance and landscape construction;
- maintenance of sports centres, parks, playgrounds, roadside amenity areas, stadia, sports grounds, beaches and swimming pools;
- life-saving and first aid services; and
- assisting in recreation and sports programme
Note: Appointees (i) are subject to posting and transfer; (ii) may be required to drive a motor scooter/ motorcycle/bicycle/car on duty and (iii) may be required to wear uniform.

Working Hours
About 45 hours a week, may be required to work in shifts and have irregular working hours

Working Environment
Work in different areas

Work-related Personalities and Skills
- Communication skills
- Time management skills
- Responsible
- Problem-solving skills

Promotion and Reference Salary
Amenities Assistant III
From Point 7 to Point 11 of Master Pay Scale
Amenities Assistant II
From Point 12 to Point 15 of Master Pay Scale
Amenities Assistant I
From Point 16 to Point 20 of Master Pay Scale
Senior Amenities Assistant
From Point 21 to Point 25 of Master Pay Scale
Note: The reference salary is based on the Master Pay Scale of the civil service. If you are working in a non-governmental organisation, your salary may vary.
Entry Requirements
- Level 2 or equivalent or above in five subjects in the Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education Examination (HKDSEE), or equivalent; or Level 2/ Grade E or above in five subjects in the Hong Kong Certificate of Education Examination (HKCEE), or equivalent
- Two years’ post-qualification working experience
- Met the language proficiency requirements of Level 2 or above in Chinese Language and English Language in HKDSEE or HKCEE, or equivalent
- A pass result in the Basic Law and National Security Law Test (BLNST)
Note: For all civil service recruitment exercises to be advertised on or after 1 July 2022, attaining a pass result in the newly introduced BLNST will be an entry requirement for all civil service jobs.
Example of Related Training and Courses
Higher Diploma / Associate Degree
School of Continuing and Professional Studies, The Chinese University of Hong Kong - Higher Diploma in Recreation and Leisure Management
School of Continuing and Professional Studies, The Chinese University of Hong Kong - Higher Diploma in Recreation and Leisure Management
School of Continuing and Professional Studies, The Chinese University of Hong Kong - Higher Diploma in Recreation and Leisure Management
Bachelor degree
A variety of organisations or associations may provide relevant training classes or courses. If you are intending to pursue these courses, you are reminded to be cautious and collect in-depth information, in particular the tuition fees and qualification recognition upon completion of these courses.
Leisure and Cultural Services Department - Assistant Leisure Services Manager
- Serving as front-line manager in supervising venue staff and part-time staff as well as monitoring the performance of service and concessionary contractors
- Collecting information and data to facilitate review on district's needs for the provision of leisure services, including the promotion of higher venue usage rate and evaluation of recreation and sports programmes organised
- Liaising with and providing assistance to the District Councils, clubs, associations, local organisations and voluntary agencies in the organisation of recreation and sports programmes
- Assisting in the preparation of financial and other routine returns as well as answering public enquiries and dealing with complaints in respect of leisure services provision
- Taking legal enforcement actions in connection with leisure services management

Working Hours
About 44 hours a week, may be required to work in shifts and have irregular working hours

Working Environment
Work in different areas

Work-related Personalities and Skills
- Communication skills
- Time management skills
- Responsible
- Leadership skills

Promotion and Reference Salary
Assistant Leisure Services Manager II
From Point 13 to Point 23 of Master Pay Scale
Assistant Leisure Services Manager I
From Point 24 to Point 33 of Master Pay Scale
Leisure Services Manager
From Point 34 to point 39 of Master Pay Scale
Senior Leisure Services Manager
From Point 40 to Point 44 of Master Pay Scale
Chief Leisure Services Manager
From Point 45 to Point 49 of Master Pay Scale
Note: The reference salary is based on the Master Pay Scale of the civil service. If you are working in a non-governmental organisation, your salary may vary.
Entry Requirements
- A full-time teacher's certificate with physical education as one of the subjects studied, or equivalent; or an accredited Associate Degree from a Hong Kong tertiary institution/a Higher Diploma from a Hong Kong polytechnic/polytechnic university or the Hong Kong Institute of Vocational Education in management of recreation, sports or horticulture, or equivalent
- Met the language proficiency requirements of Level 2 or above in Chinese Language and English Language in the Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education Examination(HKDSEE) or the Hong Kong Certificate of Education Examination (HKCEE), or equivalent
- A pass result in the Basic Law and National Security Law Test (BLNST)
Note 1: Those who have not studied physical education/sports, recreation or horticulture when obtaining the qualification mentioned above should have a Diploma/Graduate Certificate in recreation, sports or horticulture management offered by a recognized tertiary institution, or equivalent. Depending on individual subjects that a candidate has taken during his/her study, a candidate who majors in leisure study, tree management, botanical study, plant cultivation, arboriculture, biological science, garden and landscape design, etc. may also be considered.
Note 2: For all civil service recruitment exercises to be advertised on or after 1 July 2022, attaining a pass result in the newly introduced BLNST will be an entry requirement for all civil service jobs.
Example of Related Training and Courses
Higher Diploma
- HKU SPACE Po Leung Kuk Stanley Ho Community College - Higher Diploma in Sports and Recreation Management
- Hong Kong Design Institute, Vocational Training Council - Higher Diploma in Landscape Architecture
Bachelor Degree
- Hong Kong Baptist University - Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Physical Education and Recreation Management
- The Chinese University of Hong Kong – Bachelor of Education in Physical Education, Exercise Science and Health
- Technological and Higher Education Institute of Hong Kong, Vocational Training Council - Bachelor of Science (Honours) Horticulture, Arboriculture and Landscape Management
A variety of organisations or associations may provide relevant training classes or courses. If you are intending to pursue these courses, you are reminded to be cautious and collect in-depth information, in particular the tuition fees and qualification recognition upon completion of these courses.
Leisure and Cultural Services Department - Assistant Manager, Cultural Services
- Running cultural venues and indoor stadia, providing management support to major libraries and museums
- Organizing and promoting cultural and entertainment programmes/festivals
- Supervision and management of staff
Note: Appointees (i) may be required to undergo training relevant to the duties of the Grade; and (ii) are subject to posting and transfer at the discretion of the Head of Grade / Department.

Working Hours
About 45 hours a week, irregular working hours

Working Environment
Work indoors and outdoors

Work-related Personalities and Skills
- Communication skills
- Time management skills
- Responsible
- Leadership skills

Promotion and Reference Salary
Assistant Manager, Cultural Services
From Point 14 to Point 27 of Master Pay Scale
Manager, Cultural Services
From Point 28 to Point 33 of Master Pay Scale
Senior Manager, Cultural Services
From Point 34 to Point 44 of Master Pay Scale
Chief Manager, Cultural Services
From Point 45 to Point 49 of Master Pay Scale
Note: The reference salary is based on the Master Pay Scale of the civil service. If you are working in a non-governmental organisation, your salary may vary.
Entry Requirements
- A Bachelor’s degree from a local university, or equivalent
- Met the language proficiency requirements of ‘Level 2’ result in the Use of English paper and ‘Level 1’ result in the Use of Chinese paper in the Common Recruitment Examination (CRE), or equivalent
- A pass in the Aptitude Test (AT) in the CRE
- Fluent in spoken English and Cantonese
- A pass result in the Basic Law and National Security Law Test (Degree / Professional Grades) (BLNST)
Note: For all civil service recruitment exercises to be advertised on or after 1 July 2022, attaining a pass result in the newly introduced BLNST will be an entry requirement for all civil service jobs.
Example of Related Training and Courses
Bachelor Degree
- Hong Kong Metropolitan University - Bachelor of Sports and Recreation Management with Honours
- The Chinese University of Hong Kong - Bachelor of Arts in Cultural Management
- The Hang Seng University of Hong Kong - Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Cultural and Creative Industries
A variety of organisations or associations may provide relevant training classes or courses. If you are intending to pursue these courses, you are reminded to be cautious and collect in-depth information, in particular the tuition fees and qualification recognition upon completion of these courses.
Leisure and Cultural Services Department - Cultural Services Assistant
- A Cultural Services Assistant is mainly deployed on providing assistance / support services in gazetted civic centres, public libraries and museums which may involve one or a combination of the following functional areas, including front-of-house duties, customer services, building management, supervision of service contract providers, processing of library materials, enforcement of venue regulations, general management support, etc.
Note: Appointees are required to wear uniform, and are subject to posting and transfer at the discretion of the Head of Grade/Department.

Working Hours
About 40 hours a week, irregular working hours and work in shifts

Working Environment
Work indoors

Work-related Personalities and Skills
- Communication skills
- Time management skills
- Attention to details
- Responsible

Promotion and Reference Salary
Cultural Services Assistant ll
From Point 1 to Point 8 of Master Pay Scale
Cultural Services Assistant l
From Point 9 to Point 11 of Master Pay Scale
Senior Cultural Services Assistant
From Point 12 to Point 15 of Master Pay Scale
Note: The reference salary is based on the Master Pay Scale of the civil service. If you are working in a non-governmental organisation, your salary may vary.
Entry Requirements
- Completed Secondary 4, or equivalent
- Attained a level of proficiency in Chinese and English Languages equivalent to Secondary 4 standard.
- A pass result in the Basic Law and National Security Law Test (BLNST)
Note: For all civil service recruitment exercises to be advertised on or after 1 July 2022, attaining a pass result in the newly introduced BLNST will be an entry requirement for all civil service jobs.
Example of Related Training and Courses
Diploma of Applied Education
Higher Diploma / Associate Degree
- School of Continuing and Professional Studies of The Chinese University of Hong Kong - Higher Diploma in Recreation and Leisure Management
- HKU School of Professional and Continuing Education - Higher Diploma in Library and Information Management
A variety of organisations or associations may provide relevant training classes or courses. If you are intending to pursue these courses, you are reminded to be cautious and collect in-depth information, in particular the tuition fees and qualification recognition upon completion of these courses.
Leisure and Cultural Services Department – Museum Trainee (Film)
- Trained at the Hong Kong Film Archive of the Leisure and Cultural Services Department (LCSD) in collection acquisition and management, organisation of exhibitions, film shows and education programmes, conducting research and producing publications.

Working Hours
About 44 hours a week, may have irregular working hours

Working Environment
Work in Hong Kong Film Archive

Work-related Personalities and Skills
- Communication skills
- Attention to details
- Responsible

Promotion and Reference Salary
Museum Trainee (Film)
Approximately $18,000 or above
Note: On a non-renewable 24-month contract on Non-civil Service Contract Terms. Renewal of contract will not be arranged. Salary fixed throughout the contract period.
Entry Requirements
- A Bachelor’s degree from a university in Hong Kong, or equivalent, majoring in a relevant subject of Film / Television Studies, Media / Communication Studies, Fine Arts, Design, Cultural Studies, Humanities, or equivalent
- Met the language proficiency requirements of ‘Level 2’ results in the Use of English (UE) paper and ‘Level 1’ result in the Use of Chinese (UC) paper in the Common Recruitment Examination (CRE), or equivalent
Example of Related Training and Courses
Bachelor Degree
- Hong Kong Baptist University - Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Film and Television
- Hong Kong Art School - Bachelor of Arts (Fine Art)
- Lingnan University - Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Cultural Studies
A variety of organisations or associations may provide relevant training classes or courses. If you are intending to pursue these courses, you are reminded to be cautious and collect in-depth information, in particular the tuition fees and qualification recognition upon completion of these courses.
Logistics Department – Printing Technician
- In charge of the pre-press triage work
- Mainly responsible for supervising subordinates and undertaking pre-press related duties including typesetting, handling mechanical originals and digital files for digital output; and operating, maintaining and adjusting machines/equipment to carry out activities such as scanning, proofing and platemaking.
Note:Secondary printing technicians are required to wear uniforms, and are subject to deployment to different bureaux and government departments.

Working Hours
About 40 hours a week, work in shifts and work overtime when necessary

Working Environment
Work in an office

Work-related Personalities and Skills
- Time management skills
- Attention to details
- Responsible

Promotion and Reference Salary
Printing Technician II
From Point 6 to Point 10 of Master Pay Scale
Printing Technician I
From Point 11 to Point 14 of Master Pay Scale
Senior Printing Technician
From Point 15 to Point 20 of Master Pay Scale
Note: The reference salary is based on the Master Pay Scale of the civil service. If you are working in a non-governmental organisation, your salary may vary.
Entry Requirements
- Applicants have to meet one of the following:
(i) completion of an approved and relevant printing apprenticeship; or
(ii) completion of Secondary 3, or equivalent, plus three years’ relevant working experience in the printing industry or in the printing workshop providing support to the printing technicians in the production process; or
(iii) completion of Primary 6, or equivalent, plus six years’ relevant working experience in the printing industry or in the printing workshop providing support to the printing technicians in the production process; or
(iv) a Diploma in Vocational Education in Advertising, Packaging and Printing or a Technician Foundation Certificate in Printing Digital Workflow Production from the Vocational Training Council, or equivalent; plus two years’ relevant working experience in the printing industry or in the printing workshop providing support to the printing technicians in the production process
- attained a level of proficiency in Chinese Language and English Language equivalent to Primary 6 standard
- a pass result in the Basic Law and National Security Law Test (BLNST)
Note: For all civil service recruitment exercises to be advertised on or after 1 July 2022, attaining a pass result in the newly introduced BLNST will be an entry requirement for all civil service jobs.
Example of Related Training and Courses
A variety of organisations or associations may provide relevant training classes or courses. If you are intending to pursue these courses, you are reminded to be cautious and collect in-depth information, in particular the tuition fees and qualification recognition upon completion of these courses.
Personal Secretary II
A Personal Secretary II is mainly deployed to carry out secretarial duties which include:
(a) word processing;
(b) managing meetings and work schedule;
(c) handling enquiries; and
(d) providing office support.
A Personal Secretary II is subject to posting to any government offices in any districts of Hong Kong; and is required to use information technology applications in the discharge of duties.

Working Hours
About 44 hours a week, may be required to work irregular hours

Working Environment
Work in an office

Work-related Personalities and Skills
- Communication skills
- Attention to details
- Responsible

Promotion and Reference Salary
Personal Secretary II
From Point 4 to Point 15 of Master Pay Scale
Personal Secretary I
From Point 16 to Point 21 of Master Pay Scale
Senior Personal Secretary
From Point 22 to Point 27 of Master Pay Scale
Personal Assistant
From Point 28 to Point 33 of Master Pay Scale
Senior Personal Assistant
From Point 34 to Point 39 of Master Pay Scale
Note: The reference salary is based on the Master Pay Scale of the civil service.
Entry Requirements
- (i) Level 2 or equivalent or above in five subjects in the Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education Examination (HKDSEE), or equivalent; or (ii) Level 2 / Grade E or above in five subjects in the Hong Kong Certificate of Education Examination (HKCEE), or equivalent;
- met the language proficiency requirements of Level 2 or above in Chinese Language and English Language in HKDSEE or HKCEE, or equivalent;
- Chinese word processing speed of 20 words per minute;
- English word processing speed of 40 words per minute;
- proficiency in the application of common business software; and
- a pass result in the Basic Law and National Security Law Test (BLNST).
- For all civil service recruitment exercises to be advertised on or after 1 July 2022, attaining a pass result in the newly introduced BLNST will be an entry requirement for all civil service jobs.
- Year-round Recruitment of Personal Secretary II has commenced since 6 October 2023.
Example of Related Training and Courses
Diploma of Applied Education (DAE)
- Caritas Institute of Community Education – Diploma of Applied Education in Civil Service (Civilian)
- Hong Kong Institute of Technology – Diploma of Applied Education in Clerical Work Practices for Civil Servant
A variety of organisations or associations may provide relevant training classes or courses. If you are intending to pursue these courses, you are reminded to be cautious and collect in-depth information, in particular the tuition fees and qualification recognition upon completion of these courses.
Water Supplies Department - Meter Reader
- Read water meters
- Perform other minor onsite inspection duties
- Perform outdoor work or perform other duties when necessary
Note: Meter readers are required to wear a uniform and may be required to drive motor cycle/scooter while on duty.

Working Hours
About 40 hours a week

Working Environment
Work in different areas

Work-related Personalities and Skills
- Time management skills
- Attention to details
- Responsible

Promotion and Reference Salary
Meter Reader II
From Point 2 to Point 11 of Master Pay Scale
Meter Reader I
From Point 11 to Point 15 of Master Pay Scale
Senior Meter Reader
From Point 16 to Point 19 of Master Pay Scale
Chief Meter Reader
From Point 20 to Point 21 of Master Pay Scale
Note: The reference salary is based on the Master Pay Scale of the civil service.
Entry Requirements
- Completed Secondary Four courses or have equivalent academic qualifications (subjects include Chinese Language, English Language and Mathematics)
- Attained a level of proficiency in Chinese and English language proficiency equivalent to S4 standard
- A pass result in the Basic Law and National Security Law Test (BLNST)
Note: For all civil service recruitment exercises to be advertised on or after 1 July 2022, attaining a pass result in the newly introduced BLNST will be an entry requirement for all civil service jobs.
Example of Related Training and Courses
Not applicable
A variety of organisations or associations may provide relevant training classes or courses. If you are intending to pursue these courses, you are reminded to be cautious and collect in-depth information, in particular the tuition fees and qualification recognition upon completion of these courses.
Water Supplies Department - Workman II
- Operation, repair and maintenance work related to civil engineering, mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, instrumentation or electronic engineering and water treatment works
- Logistics support in waterworks laboratory including handling and transportation of chemicals, equipment, test samples, stores and stationery items
- General office support duties

Working Hours
About 45 hours a week, irregular working hours and work in shifts; may be required to undertake on-call/stand-by/emergency duties

Working Environment
Work in different areas

Work-related Personalities and Skills
- Communication skills
- Time management skills
- Attention to details
- Responsible

Promotion and Reference Salary
Workman II
From Point 0 to Point 8 of Master Pay Scale
Note: The reference salary is based on the Master Pay Scale of the civil service.
Entry Requirements
- Be able to communicate in Cantonese/Chinese and simple English
- Be able to read simple Chinese and simple English
- Be able to write simple Chinese or simple English
- A pass result in the Basic Law and National Security Law Test (BLNST)
Note: For all civil service recruitment exercises to be advertised on or after 1 July 2022, attaining a pass result in the newly introduced BLNST will be an entry requirement for all civil service jobs.
Example of Related Training and Courses
A variety of organisations or associations may provide relevant training classes or courses. If you are intending to pursue these courses, you are reminded to be cautious and collect in-depth information, in particular the tuition fees and qualification recognition upon completion of these courses.
Airport Security Unit
- Mainly responsible for anti-terrorism work, VIP protection and disaster contingency planning at the airport
- Maintenance of public and aviation safety in the Airport Police area
- Protect the airport police area, the special police unit carries out various types of high-profile patrols on a daily basis, including mobile patrols, tactical patrols, high-altitude patrols, water patrols and anti-terrorism patrols

Working Hours
About 48 hours per week, work in shifts

Working Environment
Mainly work at the airport

Work-related Personalities and Skills
- Time management skills
- Attention to details
- Responsible
- Patient

Promotion and Reference Salary
Police Constable
From Point 4 to point 17 of Police Pay Scale
From Point 17 to Point 28 of Police Pay Scale
Station Sergeant
From Point 24 to Point 33A of Police Pay Scale
Inspector of Police
From Point 24 to Point 38 of Police Pay Scale
Senior Inspector of Police
From Point 39 to Point 43 of Police Pay Scale
Chief Inspector of Police
From Point 44 to Point 49 of Police Pay Scale
Note: The reference salary is based on the Police Pay Scale.
Entry Requirements
- (i) Level 2 or equivalent or above in five subjects in the Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education Examination (HKDSEE), or equivalent; or (ii) Level 2/ Grade E or above in five subjects in the Hong Kong Certificate of Education Examination (HKCEE), or equivalent
- (i) Level 2 in Chinese Language and English Language in HKDSEE or HKCEE, or equivalent; or a pass in the Chinese and/or English Papers of Recruit Police Constable Written Examination and (ii) Be able to read and write Chinese and speak Cantonese fluently
- Pass the Physical Fitness Test
- Pass the eyesight test, including both Visual Acuity Test and Colour Perception Test. Candidates can wear corrective lenses (spectacles or contact lenses) to attend Visual Acuity Test
- Candidate must be a permanent resident of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
- A pass result in the Basic Law and National Security Law Test (BLNST)
- Pass the Medical Examination (including Urine Drug Test)
Note: For all civil service recruitment exercises to be advertised on or after 1 July 2022, attaining a pass result in the newly introduced BLNST will be an entry requirement for all civil service jobs.
Example of Related Training and Courses
Diploma of Applied Education
- Hong Kong College of Technology - Diploma of Applied Education in Disciplined Services
- Hong Kong Metropolitan University, Li Ka Shing School of Professional and Continuing Education - Diploma of Applied Education in Practice of Police Force and Recruitment Training
- Lingnan Institute of Further Education - Diploma of Applied Education in Disciplinary Forces
A variety of organisations or associations may provide relevant training classes or courses. If you are intending to pursue these courses, you are reminded to be cautious and collect in-depth information, in particular the tuition fees and qualification recognition upon completion of these courses.
Assistant Officer / Officer of the Correctional Services Department
Correctional Services Department has two entry levels, which are Assistant Officer II and Officer.
The main duties of Assistant Officer II are as follows:
- Supervise persons under custody, young persons in a training/rehabilitation centre and drug dependants in a drug addiction treatment centre
- Execute other duties in penal institutions
The main duties of Officer are as follows:
- Supervise junior staff, persons under custody, young persons in a training/rehabilitation centre and drug dependants in a drug addiction treatment centre
- Work in a prison hospital or in the Rehabilitation Unit of penal institutions
- Undertake specific catering duties in penal institutions
- Execute other assigned duties
Note: Subject to the provisions of the Prisons Ordinance, an Assistant Officer II is required to wear uniform and may be required to undertake hospital nursing duties after in-service training and live in departmental quarters.

Working Hours
Around 48 hours a week, work in shifts

Working Environment
Work indoors and outdoors

Work-related Personalities and Skills
- Time management skills
- Responsible
- Problem-solving skills
- Collaboration skills

Promotion and Reference Salary
Assistant Officer II
From Point 3 to Point 16 of Disciplined Services (Rank and File) Pay Scale
Assistant Officer I
From Point 17 to Point 32 of Disciplined Services (Rank and File) Pay Scale
From Point 6 to Point 22 of Disciplined Services (Officer) Pay Scale
Principal Officer
From Point 23 to Point 27 of Disciplined Services (Officer) Pay Scale
Chief Officer
From Point 28 to Point 33 of Disciplined Services (Officer) Pay Scale
Note: The reference salary is based on the Disciplined Services (Rank and File) and (Officer) Pay Scale.
Entry Requirements
Job Grades of Assistant Officer / Officer
- Pass the Physical Fitness Test
- A pass result in the Basic Law and National Security Law Test (BLNST)
Note: For all civil service recruitment exercises to be advertised on or after 1 July 2022, attaining a pass result in the newly introduced BLNST will be an entry requirement for all civil service jobs.
Assistant Officer II
- (I) A Certificate of Registration (or Enrolment) issued by the Nursing Council of Hong Kong, or equivalent; or
(II)(i) ‘Level 2’ or equivalent or above in five subjects in the Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education Examination (HKDSEE), or equivalent; or (ii) have ‘Level 2’ / ‘Grade E’ or above in five subjects in the Hong Kong Certificate of Education Examination (HKCEE), or equivalent; or
(III)(i) ‘Level 2’ or equivalent or above in three subjects in HKDSEE, or equivalent; or (ii) have ‘Level 2’ / ‘Grade E’ or above in three subjects in HKCEE, or equivalent; or
(IV) Completed Secondary 5, or equivalent
- Met the language proficiency requirements of ‘Level 2’ or above in Chinese Language and English Language in HKDSEE or HKCEE, or equivalent; and be able to speak fluent Cantonese and English
- (I) A Bachelor’s degree from a Hong Kong university, or equivalent and Level 1 or above results in the two language papers (Use of Chinese and Use of English) in Common Recruitment Examination (CRE), or equivalent; or
(II) Met the language proficiency requirements of Level 2 or above in Chinese Language and English Language in the Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education Examination (HKDSEE) or the Hong Kong Certificate of Education Examination (HKCEE)
- (i) A degree from a Hong Kong university, or a diploma from a registered post-secondary college issued after the date of its registration, or a higher diploma from a Hong Kong polytechnic university / polytechnic / Hong Kong Institute of Vocational Education / technical college, or an accredited Associate Degree from a Hong Kong tertiary institution, or equivalent; or
(ii) A Certificate of Registration (Part II) issued by the Nursing Council of Hong Kong, or equivalent; or
(iii) (a) Level 3 or equivalent or above in five subjects in HKDSEE, or equivalent; or (b) have Grade E or above in two subjects at Advanced Level in the Hong Kong Advanced Level Examination (HKALE) and have Level 3 / Grade C or above in three other subjects in the HKCEE; or
(iv) A Diploma in Social Work from a Hong Kong polytechnic university / polytechnic, or equivalent; or
(v) A Certificate of Registration (Part I) issued by the Nursing Council of Hong Kong, or equivalent; or
(vi) (a) Level 3 or equivalent or above in four subjects in HKDSEE, or equivalent; or (b) Grade E or above in one subject at Advanced Level in HKALE and Level 3 / Grade C or above in three other subjects in the HKCEE, or equivalent
- Be able to speak fluent Cantonese and English
Example of Related Training and Courses
Diploma of Applied Education
- Hong Kong College of Technology - Diploma of Applied Education in Disciplined Services
- Lingnan Institute of Further Education - Diploma of Applied Education in Preparation for Police & Correctional Services
- Hong Kong Institute of Technology - Diploma of Applied Education in Correctional Services Studies
Higher Diploma/ Associate Degree
- Saint Francis University - Higher Diploma in Social Work
- Tung Wah College - Higher Diploma in Nursing
A variety of organisations or associations may provide relevant training classes or courses. If you are intending to pursue these courses, you are reminded to be cautious and collect in-depth information, in particular the tuition fees and qualification recognition upon completion of these courses.
Customs Officer/ Customs Inspector
Customs and Excise Department has two entry levels, which are Customs Officer and Customs Inspector. The main duties are as follows:
- Law enforcement activities relating to revenue protection and collection
- Detection and deterrence of narcotics trafficking and against smuggling
- Land and sea patrols and search
- Protection of intellectual property rights
Note: A Customs Officer is subject to discipline under the Customs and Excise Service Ordinance and is required to wear uniform and carry firearms.

Working Hours
48 hours a week, work in shifts and irregular working hours

Working Environment
Work indoors and outdoors, may be required to work outside Hong Kong sometimes

Work-related Personalities and Skills
- Attention to details
- Responsible
- Logical and analytical
- Collaboration skills

Promotion and Reference Salary
Customs Officer
From Point 5 to Point 16 of Disciplined Services (Rank and File) Pay Scale
Senior Customs Officer
From Point 17 to Point 26 of Disciplined Services (Rank and File) Pay Scale
Chief Customs Officer
From Point 26 to Point 32 of Disciplined Services (Rank and File) Pay Scale
Inspector of Customs And Excise
From Point 8 to Point 22 of Disciplined Services (Officer) Pay Scale
Senior Inspector of Customs And Excise
From Point 23 to Point 27 of Disciplined Services (Officer) Pay Scale
Assistant Superintendent of Customs And Excise
From Point 28 to Point 33 of Disciplined Services (Officer) Pay Scale
Note: The reference salary is based on the Disciplined Services (Rank and File) and (Officer) Pay Scale.
Entry Requirements
Job Grades of Customs Officer / Customs Inspector
- A pass result in the Basic Law and National Security Law Test (BLNST)
- Pass a physical fitness test
- Pass an eyesight test
Note: For all civil service recruitment exercises to be advertised on or after 1 July 2022, attaining a pass result in the newly introduced BLNST will be an entry requirement for all civil service jobs.
Customs Officer
- Level 2 or equivalent or above in five subjects in the Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education Examination (HKDSEE), or equivalent; or Level 2/ Grade E or above in five subjects in the Hong Kong Certificate of Education Examination (HKCEE), or equivalent
- Met the language proficiency requirements of Level 2 or above in Chinese Language and English Language in HKDSEE or HKCEE, or equivalent
- Be able to speak fluent Cantonese
Customs Inspector:
- (i) A Bachelor’s degree from a Hong Kong university, or equivalent and meet the language proficiency requirements of Level 1 results in the two language papers (Use of Chinese and Use of English) in the Common Recruitment Examination, or equivalent; or
(ii) A Bachelor’s degree from a Hong Kong university, or an accredited Associate Degree from a Hong Kong tertiary institution, or a Higher Diploma from a Hong Kong polytechnic university / polytechnic / Hong Kong Institute of Vocational Education / technical college, or a Diploma from a registered post-secondary college awarded after the date of its registration, or equivalent; and met the language proficiency requirements of Level 2 or above in Chinese Language and English Language in the Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education Examination (HKDSEE) or the Hong Kong Certificate of Education Examination (HKCEE), or equivalent; or
(iii) Level 3 or equivalent or above in five subjects in HKDSEE, or equivalent; or have Grade E or above in two subjects at Advanced Level in the Hong Kong Advanced Level Examination and Level 3 / Grade C or above in three other subjects in HKCEE, or equivalent; and met the language proficiency requirements of Level 2 or above in Chinese Language and English Language in HKDSEE or HKCEE, or equivalent
- Fluent in Cantonese and spoken English
Example of Related Training and Courses
Diploma of Applied Education
- Hong Kong Institute of Technology – Diploma of Applied Education in Customs & Excise Service
- Hong Kong College of Technology – Diploma of Applied Education in Preparation Training for Immigration and Customs and Excise Recruitment
- Lingnan Institute of Further Education – Diploma of Applied Education in Preparation for Immigration & Customs
Higher Diploma/ Associate Degree
A variety of organisations or associations may provide relevant training classes or courses. If you are intending to pursue these courses, you are reminded to be cautious and collect in-depth information, in particular the tuition fees and qualification recognition upon completion of these courses.
Fire Services Department - Ambulanceman / Ambulancewoman / Ambulance Officer
Ambulance Services Department have two main positions, including Ambulanceman/Ambulancewoman and Ambulance Officer.
The main duties of an Ambulanceman/Ambulancewoman are as follows:
- Provide emergency ambulance services
- Carry out pre-hospital care services
- Execute related ambulance duties
- Drive ambulances, vehicles and vans
Note: An Ambulanceman/Ambulancewoman is subject to discipline and is required to wear uniforms.
The main duties of an Ambulance Officer are as follows:
- Take charge of an ambulance depot
- Perform duties in relation to training of Ambulanceman/Ambulancewoman
- Command and lead ambulance crew to carry out pre-hospital care service and ambulance duties at emergency incidents
- Undertake management and administrative duties such as staff management, quality assurance, ambulance fleet management, resources management, community relations and planning duties
- Attend emergency calls
Note: An Ambulance Officer is subject to discipline; and is required to perform “on-call” duties and wear uniforms.

Working Hours
44 hours a week, work in shifts

Working Environment
Work in different areas

Work-related Personalities and Skills
- Communication skills
- Responsible
- Helpful
- Problem-solving skills

Promotion and Reference Salary
Ambulanceman/ woman
From Point 5 to Point 16 of Disciplined Services (Rank and File) Pay Scale
Senior Ambulanceman/ woman
From Point 17 to Point 26 of Disciplined Services (Rank and File) Pay Scale
Principal Ambulanceman/ woman
From Point 26 to Point 32 of Disciplined Services (Rank and File) Pay Scale
Note: The reference salary is based on the Disciplined Services (Rank and File) Pay Scale.
Entry Requirements
Job Grades of Ambulanceman/ Ambulancewoman / Ambulance Officer:
- Pass the Physical Fitness Test and Job-related Performance Test
- Pass the Written Aptitude Test
- A pass result in the Basic Law and National Security Law Test (BLNST)
Note: For all civil service recruitment exercises to be advertised on or after 1 July 2022, attaining a pass result in the newly introduced BLNST will be an entry requirement for all civil service jobs.
Ambulanceman/ Ambulancewoman
- (a) Level 2 or equivalent or above in five subjects in the Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education Examination (HKDSEE), or equivalent; or (b) Level 2/ Grade E or above in five subjects in the Hong Kong Certificate of Education Examination (HKCEE), or equivalent [The five subjects in (a) or (b) may include Chinese Language and English Language.]
- Met the language proficiency requirements of Level 2 or above in Chinese Language and English Language in HKDSEE or HKCEE, or equivalent
- Be able to speak fluent Cantonese
Note: Candidates who are in possession of a valid Hong Kong Driving Licence is an advantage.
Ambulance Officer
- (a) A Bachelor’s degree from a Hong Kong university, or equivalent; and have met the language proficiency requirements of Level 1 results in the two language papers (Use of Chinese and Use of English) in the Common Recruitment Examination (CRE), or equivalent; and be able to speak fluent Cantonese and English; or
(b) A Bachelor’s degree from a Hong Kong university, or an accredited Associate Degree from a Hong Kong tertiary institution, or a Higher Diploma from a Hong Kong polytechnic university / polytechnic / Hong Kong Institute of Vocational Education / technical college, or a Diploma from a registered post-secondary college issued after the date of its registration, or equivalent; and met the language proficiency requirements of Level 2 or above in Chinese Language and English Language in the Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education Examination (HKDSEE) or Hong Kong Certificate of Education Examination (HKCEE), or equivalent; and be able to speak fluent Cantonese and English; or
(c ) (i) Level 3 or equivalent or above in 5 subjects in HKDSEE, or equivalent; or (ii) have Grade E or above in 2 subjects at Advanced Level in the Hong Kong Advanced Level Examination and Level 3 / Grade C or above in 3 other subjects in HKCEE, or equivalent; and (iii) met the language proficiency requirements of Level 2 or above in Chinese Language and English Language in HKDSEE or HKCEE, or equivalent; and be able to speak fluent Cantonese and English. (Note: the subjects in (i) and (ii) may include Chinese Language and English Language.)
- Be able to pass a practical aptitude test
Example of Related Training and Courses
Diploma of Applied Education
- Lingnan Institute of Further Education – Diploma of Applied Education in Preparation for Fire and Ambulance Services
- Caritas Institute of Community Education – Diploma of Applied Education in Ambulance Services Practice
- Hong Kong Institute of Technology – Diploma of Applied Education in Fire Services and Ambulance Service Studies
- Hong Kong Metropolitan University, Li Ka Shing School of Professional and Continuing Education – Diploma of Applied Education in Practice of Fire Services and Ambulance Services and Recruitment Training
A variety of organisations or associations may provide relevant training classes or courses. If you are intending to pursue these courses, you are reminded to be cautious and collect in-depth information, in particular the tuition fees and qualification recognition upon completion of these courses.
Fire Services Department - Fireman / Firewoman
The work at the Fire Services Department is divided into four main categories, including Fireman/Firewoman (Operational/ Marine), Fireman/Firewoman (Workshops), Senior Fireman/ Firewoman (Control) and Station Officer (Operational). The requirements and duties are different. The main duties of different grades are as follows:
- Fireman/Firewoman (Operational/ Marine): operational/marine duties, e.g. fire-fighting and rescue work, and taking part in fire protection duties
- Fireman/Firewoman (Workshops): testing, inspecting and repairing vehicle mechanical system like the engine, gearbox, braking system, hydraulic system, electrical and electronic system, air conditioning system, etc. of fire appliance and rescue equipment; and carrying out modification work, vehicle recovery and other relevant jobs assigned
- Senior Fireman/ Firewoman (Control): performing control room and mobilizing duties, using English and Chinese
- Station Officer (Operational): taking charge of a fire station or an emergency appliance; providing training for Firemen/Firewomen; commanding and leading Firemen/Firewomen in emergency and fire protection duties; and taking part in administrative duties, such as staff management and planning duties
Note: Appointees are subject to discipline; are required to perform "on-call" duties, stay aware of sudden environmental challenges and security risks, such as fire or other disasters, and wear uniforms.

Working Hours
About 48 hours a week, work in shifts

Working Environment
Work in different areas

Work-related Personalities and Skills
- Responsible
- Helpful
- Logical and analytical
- Problem-solving skills
- Collaboration skills

Promotion and Reference Salary
Fireman/Firewoman (Workshops)/ Fireman/Firewoman (Operational/Marine)
From Point 3 / 5 to Point 16 of Disciplined Services (Rank and File) Pay Scale
Senior Fireman/Firewoman (Control/Operational/Marine/Workshops)
From Point 17 to Point 26 of Disciplined Services (Rank and File) Pay Scale
Principal Fireman/ Firewoman (Control/Operational/Marine/Workshops)
From Point 26 to Point 32 of Disciplined Services (Rank and File) Pay Scale
Note: The reference salary is based on the Disciplined Services (Rank and File) Pay Scale.
Entry Requirements
Job Grades of Fireman/Firewoman:
- Have a pass result in the Basic Law and National Security Law Test (BLNST)
Note: For all civil service recruitment exercises to be advertised on or after 1 July 2022, attaining a pass result in the newly introduced BLNST will be an entry requirement for all civil service jobs.
Fireman/Firewoman (Workshops)
- (a) have Level 2 or equivalent [(Note a)] or above in three subjects in the Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education Examination (HKDSEE), or equivalent; or (b) have Level 2 [(Note b)]/Grade E or above in three subjects in the Hong Kong Certificate of Education Examination (HKCEE), or equivalent
- Have completed apprenticeship in mechanical, electrical, electronic or automobile engineering plus 4 years’ experience in relevant trade
- Have met the language proficiency requirements of Level 2 [(Note b)]or above in Chinese Language and English Language in HKDSEE or HKCEE, or equivalent
- Be able to pass a trade test of his/her trade
Fireman/Firewoman (Operational/Marine)
- (a) have Level 2 or equivalent Note (1) or above in five subjects in the Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education Examination (HKDSEE), or equivalent; or (b) have Level 2 Note (2) /Grade E or above in five subjects in the Hong Kong Certificate of Education Examination (HKCEE), or equivalent; (The five subjects in HKDSEE or the five subjects in HKCEE in (a) & (b) above may include Chinese Language and English Language.)
- meet the language proficiency requirements of Level 2 Note (2)or above in Chinese Language and English Language in HKDSEE or HKCEE, or equivalent
- Be able to pass the Eyesight Test
- Be able to pass the Physical Fitness Test and Job-related Performance Test
- Be able to pass the Written Aptitude Test
- Be able to speak fluent Cantonese
Senior Fireman/Firewoman (Control)
- Level 2 or equivalent or above in five subjects (may include Chinese Language and English Language) in the Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education Examination (HKDSEE), or equivalent; or Level 2/ Grade E or above in five subjects (may include Chinese Language and English Language) in the Hong Kong Certificate of Education Examination (HKCEE), or equivalent
- Meet the language proficiency requirements of Level 2 or above in Chinese Language and English Language in HKDSEE or HKCEE, or equivalent
- Able to pass a typing test in English at the speed of 30 words or above per minute
- Able to pass the Written Aptitude Test
- Can speak fluent Cantonese and English
Note: (i) Being able to speak Putonghua is an advantage. (ii) Possessing a valid Hong Kong driving licence is an advantage.
Station Officer (Operational)
- A Bachelor’s degree from a Hong Kong university, or equivalent; and have met the language proficiency requirements of Level 1 results in the two language papers (Use of Chinese and Use of English) in the Common Recruitment Examination, or equivalent; or be able to speak fluent Cantonese and English; or
A Bachelor’s degree from a Hong Kong university, or an accredited Associate Degree from a Hong Kong tertiary institution, or a Higher Diploma from a Hong Kong polytechnic university / polytechnic / Hong Kong Institute of Vocational Education / technical college, or a Diploma from a registered post-secondary college issued after the date of its registration, or equivalent; and have met the language proficiency requirements of Level 2 or above in Chinese Language and English Language in the Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education Examination (HKDSEE) or Hong Kong Certificate of Education Examination (HKCEE), or equivalent; and be able to speak fluent Cantonese and English; or
(i) Level 3 or equivalent or above in 5 subjects in HKDSEE, or equivalent; or (ii) Grade E or above in 2 subjects at Advanced Level in the Hong Kong Advanced Level Examination and Level 3 / Grade C or above in 3 other subjects in HKCEE, or equivalent; and (iii) have met the language proficiency requirements of Level 2 or above in Chinese Language and English Language in HKDSEE or HKCEE, or equivalent (Note: the subjects in (i) and (ii) may include Chinese Language and English Language.)
- Able to speak fluent Cantonese and English
- Able to pass an eyesight test
- Able to pass a physical fitness test and job-related performance test
- Able to pass a written aptitude test
- Able to pass a practical aptitude test
Example of Related Training and Courses
Diploma of Applied Education
- Hong Kong College of Technology – Diploma of Applied Education in Preparation for Fire Services Training
- Lingnan Institute of Further Education – Diploma of Applied Education in Preparation for Fire & Ambulance Services
- Caritas Institute of Community Education – Diploma of Applied Education in Fire Services Practice
- Hong Kong Institute of Technology – Diploma of Applied Education in Fire Services and Ambulance Service Studies
- Hong Kong Metropolitan University, Li Ka Shing School of Professional and Continuing Education – Diploma of Applied Education in Practice of Fire Services and Ambulance Services and Recruitment Training
A variety of organisations or associations may provide relevant training classes or courses. If you are intending to pursue these courses, you are reminded to be cautious and collect in-depth information, in particular the tuition fees and qualification recognition upon completion of these courses.
Government Flying Service - Air Crewman Officer
Air crewman officer serves as the frontline rescuer and provides support for the rescue team in the air. The main duties are as follows:
- Act as a winch-operator or winchman in rescue operations
- Operate sophisticated search equipment on the fixed-wing aircraft and helicopters
- Conduct rescue operations in the air and sea with bad weather conditions

Working Hours
44 hours a week, work in shifts

Working Environment
Work outdoors

Work-related Personalities and Skills
- Communication skills
- Attention to details
- Responsible
- Helpful

Promotion and Reference Salary
Air Crewman Officer III
From Point 8 of Disciplined Services (Rank and File) Pay Scale to Point 18 of Disciplined Services (Officer) Pay Scale
Air Crewman Officer II
From Point 19 to Point 27 of Disciplined Services (Officer) Pay Scale
Air Crewman Officer I
From Point 28 to Point 37 of Disciplined Services (Officer) Pay Scale
Senior Air Crewman Officer
From Point 38 to Point 40 of Disciplined Services (Officer) Pay Scale
Note: The reference salary is based on the Disciplined Services (Rank and File) and (Officer) Pay Scale
Entry Requirements
- (i) (1) Have Level 3 or equivalent or above in five subjects, including Mathematics and a science subject, in the Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education Examination (HKDSEE), or equivalent; or (2) have Grade E or above in two subjects at Advanced Level in the Hong Kong Advanced Level Examination and Level 3 / Grade C or above in three other subjects, including Mathematics and a science subject in the Hong Kong Certificate of Education Examination (HKCEE), or equivalent; or
(ii)(1) Have Level 3 or above in Mathematics and a science subject, and Level 2 or equivalent or above in three other subjects in the HKDSEE, or equivalent; or (2) have Grade C or above in Mathematics and a science subject, and Level 2 / Grade E or above in three other subjects in the HKCEE, or equivalent
- Met the language proficiency requirement of Level 2 or above in English Language in HKDSEE or HKCEE, or equivalent, if this subject is not included in (i) or (ii) above
- Be able to communicate effectively in Cantonese and oral English
- Pass a vision assessment
- Pass an Air Crewman Officer aptitude test
- Pass an Air Crewman Officer medical examination
- Pass a physical fitness test
- Pass a swimming test, including assessment on water rescue ability
- A pass result in the Basic Law and National Security Law Test
Note: For all civil service recruitment exercises to be advertised on or after 1 July 2022, attaining a pass result in the newly introduced BLNST will be an entry requirement for all civil service jobs.
Example of Related Training and Courses
Diploma of Applied Education Programme
- Hong Kong College of Technology - Diploma of Applied Education in Disciplined Services
- Lingnan Institute of Further Education - Diploma of Applied Education in Disciplinary Forces
A variety of organisations or associations may provide relevant training classes or courses. If you are intending to pursue these courses, you are reminded to be cautious and collect in-depth information, in particular the tuition fees and qualification recognition upon completion of these courses.
Government Flying Service - Pilot
Pilot needs to undergo intensive trainings and consolidate years of experience to become a professional pilot. The main duties are as follows:
- Conduct search and rescue operations, transport the injured
- Combat crimes and fight hill fires
- Support other government departments such as the Home Affairs Department, the Marine Department, the Civil Aviation Department and the Information Services Department
- Conduct rescue operations in the air and sea with bad weather condition
Note: Appointees are required to undergo training in Hong Kong and outside Hong Kong outside normal office hours and at weekends.

Working Hours
About 44 hours a week, work in shifts

Working Environment
Work in different areas

Work-related Personalities and Skills
- Communication skills
- Responsible
- Logical and analytical
- Problem-solving skills

Promotion and Reference Salary
Cadet Pilot
From Point 1B to Point 2 of Disciplined Services (Officer) Pay Scale
Pilot II
From Point 15 to Point 27 of Disciplined Services (Officer) Pay Scale
Pilot I
From Point 28 to Point 37 of Disciplined Services (Officer) Pay Scale
Senior Pilot
From Point 38 to Point 40 of Disciplined Services (Officer) Pay Scale
Note: The reference salary is based on the Disciplined Services (Officer) Pay Scale.
Entry Requirements
- Level 3 or equivalent or above in five subjects, including English Language, in the Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education Examination (HKDSEE), or equivalent; or Grade E or above in two advanced Level subjects in the Hong Kong Advanced Level Examination (HKALE), and Level 3 / Grade C or above in three other subjects, including English Language and Mathematics in the Hong Kong Certificate of Education Examination (HKCEE), or equivalent
- Met the language proficiency requirements of Level 3 or above in English Language in the HKDSEE or HKCEE, or equivalent
- Pass a medical examination in accordance with the International Civil Aviation Organisation standards and have good vision
- Pass a pilot technical written test and a pilot aptitude test
- A pass result in the Basic Law and National Security Law Test (BLNST)
Note: For all civil service recruitment exercises to be advertised on or after 1 July 2022, attaining a pass result in the newly introduced BLNST will be an entry requirement for all civil service jobs.
Example of Related Training and Courses
Higher Diploma / Associate Degree
- HKU School of Professional and Continuing Education - Higher Diploma in Aviation and Piloting
- Hong Kong Institute of Vocational Education, Vocational Training Council - Higher Diploma in Aviation Systems and Operations
A variety of organisations or associations may provide relevant training classes or courses. If you are intending to pursue these courses, you are reminded to be cautious and collect in-depth information, in particular the tuition fees and qualification recognition upon completion of these courses.
Immigration Department - Immigration Assistant / Immigration Officer
Immigration department has two entry levels, which are Immigration Assistant and Immigration Officer. The main duties are as follows:
- Enforcement of the immigration, registration of persons, births, deaths and marriage laws of Hong Kong
- Execute operational duties
Note: Appointees are subject to discipline; are required to undergo a full-time induction training and wear uniform; may be required to drive government vehicles.

Working Hours
About 44 hours a week, work in shifts

Working Environment
Work in different areas, may be required to work in an area outside the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region sometimes

Work-related Personalities and Skills
- Attention to details
- Responsible
- Helpful

Promotion and Reference Salary
Immigration Assistant
From Point 4A to Point 15 of Disciplined Services (Rank and File) Pay Scale
Senior Immigration Assistant
From Point 16 to Point 25 of Disciplined Services (Rank and File) Pay Scale
Chief Immigration Assistant
From Point 25 to Point 31A of Disciplined Services (Rank and File) Pay Scale
Immigration Officer
From Point 7 to Point 22 of Disciplined Services (Officer) Scale
Senior Immigration Officer
From Point 23 to Point 27 of Disciplined Services (Officer) Pay Scale
Chief Immigration Officer
From Point 28 to Point 33 of Disciplined Services (Officer) Pay Scale
Note: The reference salary is based on the Disciplined Services (Rank and File) and (Officer) Pay Scale.
Entry Requirements
Job Grades of Immigration Assistant/ Immigration Officer
- Pass the Physical Fitness Test
- A pass result in the Basic Law and National Security Law Test (BLNST)
Note: For all civil service recruitment exercises to be advertised on or after 1 July 2022, attaining a pass result in the newly introduced BLNST will be an entry requirement for all civil service jobs.
Immigration Assistant
- Level 2 or equivalent or above in five subjects in the Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education Examination (HKDSEE), or equivalent; or Level 2/ Grade E or above in five subjects in the Hong Kong Certificate of Education Examination (HKCEE), or equivalent
- Met the language proficiency requirements of Level 2 or above in Chinese Language and English Language in the HKDSEE or HKCEE, or equivalent;
- Able to speak Cantonese and English
Immigration Officer
- Have a bachelor’s degree from a Hong Kong university, or equivalent and have met the language proficiency requirements of Level 1 results in the two language papers (Use of Chinese and Use of English) in the Common Recruitment Examination (CRE), or equivalent; or
Have a bachelor’s degree from a Hong Kong university, or a Diploma from a registered post-secondary college issued after the date of its registration, or a Higher Diploma from a Hong Kong polytechnic university/ polytechnic/ Hong Kong Institute of Vocational Education/ technical college, or an accredited Associate Degree from a Hong Kong tertiary institution, or equivalent; and have met the language proficiency requirements of Level 2 or above in Chinese Language and English Language in the Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education Examination (HKDSEE) or the Hong Kong Certificate of Education Examination (HKCEE), or equivalent; or
Have Level 3 or equivalent or above in five subjects in the HKDSEE, or equivalent; or have Grade E or above in two subjects at Advanced Level in the Hong Kong Advanced Level Examination (HKALE) and Level 3/ Grade C or above in three other subjects in the HKCEE, or equivalent; and have met the language proficiency requirements of Level 2 or above in Chinese Language and English Language in the HKDSEE or HKCEE, or equivalent
- Be fluent in Cantonese and English
Example of Related Training and Courses
Diploma of Applied Education
- Hong Kong College of Technology – Diploma of Applied Education in Preparation Training for Immigration and Customs and Excise Recruitment
- Hong Kong Institute of Technology – Diploma of Applied Education in Immigration Studies
- Lingnan Institute of Further Education – Diploma of Applied Education in Disciplinary Forces
A variety of organisations or associations may provide relevant training classes or courses. If you are intending to pursue these courses, you are reminded to be cautious and collect in-depth information, in particular the tuition fees and qualification recognition upon completion of these courses.
Independent Commission Against Corruption - Assistant Commission Against Corruption Officer/ Commission Against Corruption Officer
- Receiving and handling corruption complaints, conducting investigations, assisting in prosecutions
- Reviewing public sector procedures and making recommendation to minimise corruption opportunities
- Providing advisory service to the private sector
- Educating the public against the evils of corruption and publicising anti-corruption messages
- Coordinating international collaboration work and maintaining liaison with anti-corruption counterparts in the Mainland and overseas

Working Hours
About 45 hours a week, may have irregular working hours

Working Environment
Work indoors and outdoors

Work-related Personalities and Skills
- Attention to details
- Responsible
- Leadership skills
- Logical and analytical

Promotion and Reference Salary
Assistant Commission Against Corruption Officer
From Point 5 to Point 17 of Independent Commission Against Corruption Pay Scale
Commission Against Corruption Officer (Lower)
From Point 19 to Point 29 of Independent Commission Against Corruption Pay Scale
Commission Against Corruption Officer (Middle)
From Point 30 to Point 36 of Independent Commission Against Corruption Pay Scale
Commission Against Corruption Officer (Upper)
From Point 37 to Point 43 of Independent Commission Against Corruption Pay Scale
Senior Commission Against Corruption Officer
From Point 44 to Point 44B of Independent Commission Against Corruption Pay Scale
Note: The reference salary is based on the Independent Commission Against Corruption Pay Scale.
Entry Requirements
Job Grades of Assistant Commission Against Corruption Officer/ Commission Against Corruption Officer
- Have a pass result in the Basic Law and National Security Law Test (BLNST)
- Pass the written examination
- Pass the Physical Fitness Test
- Pass the selection interview
Note: For all civil service recruitment exercises to be advertised on or after 1 July 2022, attaining a pass result in the newly introduced BLNST will be an entry requirement for all civil service jobs.
Assistant Commission Against Corruption Officer
- Attain Level 2 or equivalent or above in five subjects in the Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education Examination (HKDSEE), or equivalent; or
Attain Level 2/ Grade E or above in five subjects in the Hong Kong Certificate of Education Examination (HKCEE), or equivalent
- Met the language proficiency requirements of Level 2 or above in Chinese Language and English Language in the HKDSEE or the HKCEE, or equivalent
Commission Against Corruption Officer
- Have a bachelor’s degree from a Hong Kong university, or equivalent
- Met the language proficiency requirements of Level 4 or above in Chinese Language and English Language in the HKDSEE or the HKCEE, or equivalent;or Level 1 results in the two language papers (Use of Chinese and Use of English) in the Common Recruitment Examination (CRE), organised by the Civil Service Bureau, or equivalent
- Candidates who pass the Assessment Centre will be invited to attend the Selection Interview
Example of Related Training and Courses
Diploma of Applied Education
- Hong Kong College of Technology - Diploma of Applied Education in Disciplined Services
- Lingnan Institute of Further Education - Diploma of Applied Education in Disciplinary Forces
Higher Diploma / Associate Degree
- HKU SPACE Po Leung Kuk Stanley Ho Community College - Associate of Applied Social Sciences in Criminal Justice and Law Enforcement
- Li Ka Shing School of Professional and Continuing Education - Hong Kong Metropolitan University - Higher Diploma in Criminology
Bachelor Degree
A variety of organisations or associations may provide relevant training classes or courses. If you are intending to pursue these courses, you are reminded to be cautious and collect in-depth information, in particular the tuition fees and qualification recognition upon completion of these courses.
Police Force - Police Constable and Inspector
The police profession is mainly divided into two entry levels: police constables and inspectors, each with different requirements and duties. Police constables are responsible for frontline work while inspectors are responsible for supervision and operational duties. Their duties include:
- Perform a wide variety of police duties and may be posted to one of the many police formations in uniform branch, traffic wing, crime wing or the marine region
- Subject to discipline under the Police Force Ordinance

Working Hours
About 48 hours a week, work in shifts and/ or irregular working hours

Working Environment
Work in different areas, may be required to work in an area outside the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region

Work-related Personalities and Skills
- Communication skills
- Responsible
- Helpful
- Logical and analytical

Promotion and Reference Salary
From Point 4 to Point 17 of Police Pay Scale
From Point 17 to Point 28 of Police Pay Scale
Station Sergeant
From Point 24 to Point 33A of Police Pay Scale
Inspector of Police
From Point 24 to Point 38 of Police Pay Scale
Senior Inspector of Police
From Point 39 to Point 43 of Police Pay Scale
Chief Inspector of Police
From Point 44 to Point 49 of Police Pay Scale
Note: The reference salary is based on the Police Pay Scale.
Entry Requirements
Job Grades of Police Constable / Inspector:
- Pass the physical fitness test
- Pass an eyesight test which includes a visual acuity test and a colour perception test. Applicants who wear glasses or contact lenses may also apply for the post. Applicants may perform visual acuity tests with the aid of eyesight correction tools except for colour perception tests
- Must be permanent resident of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
- A pass result in the Basic Law and National Security Law Test (BLNST)
- Pass a medical examination (including a urine drug test)
Note: For all civil service recruitment exercises to be advertised on or after 1 July 2022, attaining a pass result in the newly introduced BLNST will be an entry requirement for all civil service jobs.
Police Constable
- Level 2 or equivalent or above in five subjects in the Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education Examination (HKDSEE), or equivalent; or Level 2/ Grade E or above in five subjects in the Hong Kong Certificate of Education Examination (HKCEE), or equivalent
- Level 2 or above in Chinese and English Language in HKDSEE or HKCEE, or equivalent; or equivalent
- Applicants not meeting the minimum required Chinese or English language proficiency requirement may still apply. They will be invited to attend the Recruit Police Constable Written Examination, and they will be considered as meeting the language proficiency requirements of Recruit Police Constable if they have a pass in the Chinese and/ or English Papers of Recruit Police Constable Written Examination (Complete 50 to 60 multiple-choice questions within an hour)
- Be able to read and write Chinese and speak fluent Cantonese
- Have a Bachelor’s degree from a Hong Kong university, or equivalent; or
Have an accredited Associate Degree from a Hong Kong tertiary institution, or a Higher Diploma from a Hong Kong polytechnic / polytechnic university / Hong Kong Institute of Vocational Education / technical college, or a Diploma from a registered postsecondary college awarded after the date of its registration, or equivalent; or
Have level 3 or equivalent or above in five subjects in the Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education Examination (HKDSEE), or equivalent; or
Have Grade E or above in two subjects at Advanced Level in the Hong Kong Advanced Level Examination and Level 3 / Grade C or above in three other subjects in the Hong Kong Certificate of Education Examination (HKCEE), or equivalent
- Met the language proficiency requirements of Level 1 results in the two language papers (Use of Chinese and Use of English) in the Common Recruitment Examination, or equivalent; or
Level 2 /Grade C or above in Chinese Language and English Language in HKDSEE or HKCEE, or equivalent; or
Applicants not meeting the above requirement may still apply. They will be exempted from this requirement if they have a pass in the English Language Proficiency Test and Chinese Language Proficiency Test for Police Inspector recruitment exercise
- Be able to read and write Chinese and speak fluent Cantonese
Example of Related Training and Courses
Diploma of Applied Education
- Hong Kong Institute of Technology - Diploma of Applied Education in Police Studies
- Hong Kong College of Technology - Diploma of Applied Education in Preparation for Police Force Training
- Hong Kong Metropolitan University, Li Ka Shing School of Professional and Continuing Education - Diploma of Applied Education in Practice of Police Force and Recruitment Training
- Lingnan Institute of Further Education - Diploma of Applied Education in Disciplinary Forces
Higher Diploma/ Associate Degree
- HKU SPACE Po Leung Kuk Stanley Ho Community College - Associate of Applied Social Sciences in Criminal Justice and Law Enforcement
- Li Ka Shing School of Professional and Continuing Education - Hong Kong Metropolitan University - Higher Diploma in Criminology
Bachelor Degree
A variety of organisations or associations may provide relevant training classes or courses. If you are intending to pursue these courses, you are reminded to be cautious and collect in-depth information, in particular the tuition fees and qualification recognition upon completion of these courses.
Police Force - Special Photographer
- Taking photographs including crime scene photographs, forensic photographs and special event photographs
- Developing, printing and maintenance of films and photographs
- Making video re-construction for major and serious crime cases and processing surveillance films and videotapes
Note: Required to testify in court

Working Hours
Irregular working hours, work in shifts, including night duty and standby duties

Working Environment
Generally work outdoors

Work-related Personalities and Skills
- Attention to details
- Responsible
- Organised

Promotion and Reference Salary
Special Photographer II
From Point 8 to Point 19 of Master Pay Scale
Special Photographer I
From Point 20 to Point 24 of Master Pay Scale
Senior Special Photographer
From Point 25 to Point 27 of Master Pay Scale
Note: The reference salary is based on the Master Pay Scale of the civil service.
Entry Requirements
- Level 2 or above in Chinese Language and English Language in the Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education Examination (HKDSEE) or the Hong Kong Certificate of Education Examination (HKCEE), or equivalent
- Met the language proficiency requirements in Chinese Language and English Language of equivalent level as above
- A pass result in the Basic Law and National Security Law Test (BLNST)
- At least two years of professional photography experience, and basic knowledge and experience in simple repairs and maintenance of photographic equipment
Note: For all civil service recruitment exercises to be advertised on or after 1 July 2022, attaining a pass result in the newly introduced BLNST will be an entry requirement for all civil service jobs.
Example of Related Training and Courses
Certificate / Diploma
Diploma of Applied Education
Higher Diploma / Associated Degree
- Hong Kong College of Technology - Higher Diploma in Creative Design and Media (Moving Image)
- UOW College Hong Kong - Higher Diploma in Creative Media Production
A variety of organisations or associations may provide relevant training classes or courses. If you are intending to pursue these courses, you are reminded to be cautious and collect in-depth information, in particular the tuition fees and qualification recognition upon completion of these courses.
Police Force - Traffic Warden
- Enforcement of the provisions of traffic legislation in relation to the parking of vehicles including the issue of fixed penalty parking tickets
- Discharging functions conferred on them under Road Traffic Ordinance including controlling and regulating traffic and other related duties
- Performing duties conferred on them under Motor Vehicle Idling (Fixed Penalty) Ordinance.
Note: Traffic Wardens are civilian staff but are (a) subject to discipline under the Traffic Wardens (Discipline) Regulations; and (b) required to (i) wear uniform; (ii) work shifts; (iii) work in any place in the territory; and (iv) successfully complete a 4-week training course and those who fail to pass the requisite assessment of the course may have their service terminated.

Working Hours
About 40 hours a week, work in shifts

Working Environment
Work outdoors and in different areas

Work-related Personalities and Skills
- Attention to details
- Responsible
- Logical and analytical

Promotion and Reference Salary
Traffic Warden
From Point 6 to Point 12 of Master Pay Scale
Senior Traffic Warden
From Point 13 to Point 16 of Master Pay Scale
Note: The reference salary is based on the Master Pay Scale of the civil service.
Entry Requirements
- Have completed Secondary 3, or equivalent
- Attained a level of proficiency in Chinese and English Languages equivalent to Secondary 3 standard
- A pass result in the Basic Law and National Security Law Test (BLNST)
Note: For all civil service recruitment exercises to be advertised on or after 1 July 2022, attaining a pass result in the newly introduced BLNST will be an entry requirement for all civil service jobs.
Example of Related Training and Courses
Not applicable
A variety of organisations or associations may provide relevant training classes or courses. If you are intending to pursue these courses, you are reminded to be cautious and collect in-depth information, in particular the tuition fees and qualification recognition upon completion of these courses.