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Life Planning Information Website - Education Bureau

23 Nov 2015

Life Planning For a Bright Future cum Business-School Partnership Programme Celebration Ceremony

To further promote life planning education, Education Bureau is going to organise the “Life Planning For a Bright Future cum Business-School Partnership Programme Celebration Ceremony” on 3 December 2015 to inspire young generation setting their goals and mobilise more business entities and community organisations to offer support to our young generation in planning their future and pursing their dreams. School principals, teachers, students and parents are now cordially invited to attend the Ceremony. Your active participation signify a full support on the life planning for our youths. All school principals, teachers, students and parents are welcome to attend. Please complete the reply slip below and return by fax or email to Career Guidance Section.

Details of the Ceremony and Application are as follows:

Date: 3 December 2015 (Thursday)

Time: 9:30 am – 3:30 pm

Venue: Grand Hall, Convention Centre 3, Hong Kong Science & Technology Parks

Programme Rundown

Reply slip

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